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His wife.

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Where can death records be found?

Death records are most commonly found in the county courthouse of the county in which the person died. A family with a recent bereavement can find out about a recent death in the family at Vital Records Health & Senior Services or at their local townhall.

Why did they called it concentration camps instead of death camps?

All camps were technically concentration camps, generally the extermination camps were called 'death camps'.

What was he difference between concentration camps and death camps?

Death camps were built to kill prisoners systematically

What is the proper name for death camps?

The term death camps (in the Holocaust) refers mainly to extermination camps. Sometimes the very harshest concentration camps (Grade 3, such as Mauthausen) are also called death camps.

What were death camps Anne Frank?

Anne Frank and her family were not directly sent to death camps, but to concentration camps with many prisoners. Anne ultimately died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp due to illness and poor conditions. Death camps were specifically designed for mass extermination, such as Auschwitz, where millions of people, including Jews like Anne Frank, were systematically murdered during the Holocaust.

Were there more death camps than concentration camps in World War 2?

Concentration camps were death camps. The people that were scheduled to die were concentrated into areas for easier delivery to the death chambers.

What year did Hitler bring in the death camps?

1933 Concentration camps started in 1933, the Death camps started in 1941.

How many concentration camps are called death camps?

6. The death camps were the ones with gas chambers (or gas vans). The six death camps in Poland were:Auschwitz-BirkenauBelzecChelmnoMajdanekSobiborTreblinkaThe link below should have your answer.

Why did Germans build death camps?

Death camps were a simple way to do mass murders.

What types of camps did Hitler make?

Concentration Camps Extermination Camps Labour Camps Transit Camps Death Camps.

Why were the Jews in the concentration camps not the death camps?

They were in both..

How much death camps did Hitler have?

thousands of camps he had