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Jesus Christ is the son of God. He was sent by God to earth as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of human beings. He was crucified on the cross, He died, and on the third day He rose again. He ascended to heaven, and He is seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding for human beings. Through faith in Him, all sins are forgiven. Believers will some day be with Him in heaven.

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8y ago

Start with an opening thesis statement. Make several major points with supporting details (one idea per paragraph). Use transitions between your paragraphs. Finish with a rousing conclusion. Don't forget to check your spelling and grammar.

I am not sure where you could find a 200 word essay on Jesus Christ, but a good place to start would be The Bible. Try looking at a Christian history book, that would give you a good example.

You should write your own essay, if this is a school assignment, although if this is simply an exercise for your church group the same constraint probably does not apply.

If this is a school exercise, you are being expected to exercise your thinking ability, not just accept the theological view of Jesus, as written in the Bible. Depending on your age and ability, you could look at the overall gospel story and how well you feel this fits into reality.

Some liberal theologians believe that the virgin birth did not really happen. How do you feel about this? Discuss.

Mark's Gospel says that Jesus frequently commanded those he healed not to tell anyone who he was, yet logic tells us that the very reason for his miracles ought to be so that everyone knew about him and who he was. Discuss.

The gospels say that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Why do you think that God was unable to forgive our sins without the drama of Jesus being crucified? Discuss. Also discuss the important differences between each of the gospels in telling the story of the risen Jesus.

First write what you know about him, his birth, his first discussions with the learned men. His first mission to preach his word. His conflict with Satan, His being rejected and finally his death and resurrection. Two hundred words is very little so you will only have to touch briefly on each part of the above sugestions.

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11y ago

You should write your own essay, if this is a school assignment, although if this is simply an exercise for your church group the same constraint probably does not apply.

If this is a school exercise, you are being expected to exercise your thinking ability, not just accept the theological view of Jesus, as written in the Bible. Depending on your age and ability, you could look at the overall gospel story and how well you feel this fits into reality.

Some liberal theologians believe that the virgin birth did not really happen. How do you feel about this? Discuss.

Mark's Gospel says that Jesus frequently commanded those he healed not to tell anyone who he was, yet logic tells us that the very reason for his miracles ought to be so that everyone knew about him and who he was. Discuss.

The gospels say that Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Why do you think that God was unable to forgive our sins without the drama of Jesus being crucified? Discuss. Also discuss the important differences between each of the gospels in telling the story of the risen Jesus.

AnswerI would probably use the bible. AnswerYou should write that jesus is the son of God, and he died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead. His mission was and still is today to save people. He wants you to except him as your savor and serve him, so you can have eternal life in heaven. AnswerTo some extent, how to write such an essay depends on whether it is required for your scripture class or Sunday School, or as part of normal school work, probably as part of a course in Comparative Religions.

An essay for scripture class or Sunday School can simply be a summary of the teachings of your church, including any handouts given to you by your scripture teacher, as well as what you yourself believe.

A school essay would usually be something different, because you are not required to accept without thinking the teachings of any one church or denomination. You should explain that everything known about Jesus is found in the four gospels of the New Testaments, because no other contemporary source exists. Mark's Gospel is the shortest if you need to look up a few Christian beliefs about who Jesus was, as well as being the earliest and therefore perhaps the most accurate. However, too much reliance on Mark can leave out important concepts that developed in Christianity between the time of this gospel and when each of the others was written. If you relate the mission of Jesus to spiritual salvation, you will need to explain that this means Christians believe that, because of Jesus, Christians go to a place or state called heaven when they die.

In a more advanced course, you can discuss the original concept of of Jesus as the Son of God, defined in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke), then the concept defined in the last gospel, that of John, that Jesus was fully divine. You can also explain that over the coming centuries, the concept of a Holy Trinity gradually developed, formulated in the fourth century in the Nicene Creed, whereby Jesus is one person in the Trinity, along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit - three persons in one God.

AnswerFirst write what you know about him, his birth, his first discussions with the learned men. His first mission to preach his word. His conflict with Satan, His being rejected and finally his death and resurrection. Two hundred words is very little so you will only have to touch briefly on each part of the above sugestions.
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14y ago

Nothing is known about Jesus Christ, other than what is written in the Christian New Testament. Some scholars even doubt whether he actually existed. The first of four gospels written about his life did not mention his birth, but two later gospels (Matthewand Luke) say that he was born during the reign of King Herod the Great, who died in April 4 BCE. In most other respects, the two gospels differ considerably on the details of his birth, leading many scholars to believe that the birth stories were written to satisfy the needs of the gospel readers but that they are not strictly historical. Nevertheless, it makes sense for Jesus to have been born during the lifetime of King Herod, as he is thought to have been executed by crucifixion during the time of Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman governor of Judea from 26 to 36 CE. Most people say that Jesus was crucified in 30 CE or 33 CE.

According to the gospel accounts, Jesus spent something between one and three years preaching in Galilee, which is in northern Palestine, around the Sea of Galilee. They say he performed miracles, cured sick people and drove out demons. Many people saw him as the long-awaited messiah, even as the son of the God of Judaism. His death by crucifixion took place on a Friday - either the day of the Jewish Passover (John's Gospel), or the day after the Passover. On the following Sunday, his body was found to be missing from his tomb, and he was said to have risen from the dead. Each gospel gives a completely different account, but it is claimed that his closest followers actually saw the risen Jesus, before he ascended bodily into heaven.

The followers of Jesus, now known as his apostles, are said to have spread the word about him, and the new religion of Christianity is based on that story. Over the centuries that followed, further traditions grew up about the story of Jesus and his disciples, in order to provide a fuller picture of who they were and what they did. Because Jesus was seen as the son of God, he is also seen as living in heaven eternally, sitting on the right hand of God. At the same time, the doctrine of the Holy Trinity sees him as one with God, three Gods in one - the Father, Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that the reason for the crucifixion of Jesus is to forgive the sins of Christians so that they can enter into heaven. They pray to him and believe that sometimes he answers their prayers.

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12y ago

Jesus was a holy man who is believed by Christians to have lived, preached and performed miracles in Palestine in the early years of the first century CE, and was brought by the Jewish religious leaders before Pontius Pilate to be crucified. The second name, Christ, means 'anointed' and says that he was the Messiah whom the Jews had been awaiting. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was not just a man, but also Son of God and the second member of the Holy Trinity.

His mission is recorded as being to preach a new covenant and to save the world from sin by his death. Many say that Jesus Christ will return to earth and establish a kingdom of heaven on earth.

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8y ago

To some extent, how to write such an essay depends on whether it is required for your scripture class or Sunday School, or as part of normal school work, probably as part of a course in Comparative Religions.

An essay for scripture class or Sunday School can simply be a summary of the teachings of your church, including any handouts given to you by your scripture teacher, as well as what you yourself believe.

A school essay would usually be something different, because you are not required to accept without thinking the teachings of any one church or denomination. You should explain that everything known about Jesus is found in the four gospels of the New Testaments, because no other contemporary source exists. Mark's Gospel is the shortest if you need to look up a few Christian beliefs about who Jesus was, as well as being the earliest and therefore perhaps the most accurate. However, too much reliance on Mark can leave out important concepts that developed in Christianity between the time of this gospel and when each of the others was written. If you relate the mission of Jesus to spiritual salvation, you will need to explain that this means Christians believe that, because of Jesus, Christians go to a place or state called heaven when they die.

In a more advanced course, you can discuss the original concept of of Jesus as the Son of God, defined in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke), then the concept defined in the last gospel, that of John, that Jesus was fully divine. You can also explain that over the coming centuries, the concept of a Holy Trinity gradually developed, formulated in the fourth century in the Nicene Creed, whereby Jesus is one person in the Trinity, along with God the Father and the Holy Spirit - three persons in one God.

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11y ago

Although the public record of Jesus life outside of religious circles is practically nonexistent Jesus was all Man yet all God. He came to redeem us back to God.

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9y ago

You could learn about who Jesus Christ was and the influence that he has had. Then you struggle write an essay about him in just 200 words

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Q: What was Jesus Christ mission to the world 200 word essay?
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A 200 word essay on Who is Jesus Christ and what is His mission to the world?

jesus christ was the son of god. jesus loved the world so much he died for us so that we can be saved. jesus said iam the way the way,truth,and the life.his mission was to who soever to believe in his name would be saved. he said repent in my name an your sins will be washed away

Who is jesus chris and what is his mission to the world?

Jesus christ is god son and his mission was to die on the cross for everybody sin

Christ mission to the world?

The mission of Jesus Christ to the world is to destroy the works of devil and save us the fire of hell and bring the heaven down on the earth.

Who is Jesus Christ and what is his mission to the world according to the website Quizlet?

Well according to the Bible, Jesus Christ was the Son of God, and His mission to the world was to do the will of the Father. For we read in the Gospel of John Chapter 6 and Verse 38: For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of Him who sent me.

Who is Jesus Christ and what is his mission?

He is Emmanuel, or "God with us." He came to earth to die for the sin of the world.

What is the mission statement of the umc?

The mission statement of the United Methodist Church (UMC) is "to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." This reflects the church's commitment to spreading the teachings of Jesus and fostering positive change in society.

What mission did Jesus Christ give to His church?

To go into all the world in his name and make disciples of all nations.

What is Jesus Christ mision?

Jesus had one mission to die on the cross , for the sins of the world and save mankind , those who believe in him shall be saved.John 3. 16.

Who was Jesus Christ and what is his mission to the world?

Jesus Christ is the son of GOD. The second person in the Holy Trinity. GOD in the flesh. He was sent to earth to save his people from their sins. He accomplished this by dying on a cross, and rising again. The perfect lamb of GOD. This is foretold in the old testament scriptures and fulfilled in the new testament. All who put their faith and trust in Jesus and what he has accomplished for them will be saved. By grace you have been saved, through faith in Jesus Christ, not by good works, so no man can boast. By Christ and Him only we are saved.Jesus Christ was and is the son of God and his mission to the world is to save us from our sins, and so give us eternal life.

How do you write an essay who is Jesus Christ and what is his mission to the world?

Jesus Christ is the son of God. He was sent by God to earth as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of human beings. He was crucified on the cross, He died, and on the third day He rose again. He ascended to heaven, and He is seated at the right hand of the Father, interceding for human beings. Through faith in Him, all sins are forgiven. Believers will some day be with Him in heaven.

Who is Christ and what is his mission to the world?

Jesus is Gods son and he came to earth to save sinners, so that not a single soul should be lost.

How did Christianity begin with Christ?

At the wedding in Cana Jesus revealed himself to his friends as the Son of God and began his mission. During the next two or three years, Jesus and his followers spread the Good News and taught about Love. Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he gave his followers the job of carrying on the mission, teaching the world about Love. As Christians, we are called to carry on Jesus mission in our actions. Christianity began with Christ because he began the mission and called us to carry it on.