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John Dalton is considered as the father of chemistry because of his first model of an atom.They are as follow: 1. Every matter is made up of very small particles known as an atom which are indivisible.

2. Atoms cannot be created nor destroyed by any chemical process i.e..., atoms are indestructible. 3. All atoms of same element are same i.e.., identical in shape, mass, chemical properties etc. 4. Atoms of different elements are different sizes, masses and chemical properties etc. 5. Atoms of 2 or more elements combine together in a to form compound atoms, which they do so in simple numerical ratios(1:1 etc).

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the automatic theory John Dalton's theory was all about the idea that the atoms of different elements could be well-known by differences in their weights.

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Law of multiple proportions

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Q: What was John Dalton's theory of the atom?
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The 2 protons in a helium atom would have a total of approximately 4 daltons. Each proton has a mass of approximately 1 dalton.

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