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Q: What was Madison view on minority rights?
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What is it that makes the rights of the minority most insecure according to Madison?

In Federalist Paper No. 10 James Madison wrote about how a republican government should be structured to protect the rights of the minority. He noted that the majority often has a tendency to abuse its powers leading to the "tyranny of the majority." Madison argued that this tyranny of the majority often leads to the minority having their rights infringed upon. He believed that in order for the rights of the minority to be secure the structure of the government should be so that it would protect these rights from the majority.Madison suggested three ways to protect the rights of the minority. First the government should be large enough that no one faction can become a majority and overpower the minority. Second the government should have a separation of powers so that each branch can act as a check on the other branches. Finally the government should have a system of representation so that the minority can have their views and interests represented in the government.These three aspects of a republican government are what Madison believed would protect the rights of the minority the most. By having a large government the majority cannot easily overpower the minority. By having a separation of powers each branch can act as a check on the other branches and preserve the rights of the minority. And by having a system of representation the minority can have their voices heard in the government. These three aspects according to Madison are what make the rights of the minority most secure.

What two methods did James Madison suggest a society can use to protect minority rights?

the two methods used were the constitution and the bill of rights

Which first lady fought for equal rights for minority groups and worked with young people and the underpriveleged?

dolley madison

For James Madison, the problem associated with a tyranny of the majority was that?

large factions might capture control of the government and ignore the rights of those in the minority

What are some examples minority rights?

What is an example of majority rule and minority rights?

When was Presidential Council for Minority Rights created?

Presidential Council for Minority Rights was created in 1970.

Why did Madison fear a majority rule?

Madison wondered whether a majority that was united by a common passion could be stopped from oppressing the minority. He felt that this could lead to an unjust pursuit of goals that would necessarily led to the suppression of the rights of others.

Definition of minority right?

Minority rights are rights of minorities that cannot be taken away by a vote of the majority.

Which idea is central to democracy in US?

Of course, this will vary by person, but my view is that the central idea of American democracy is the view that although the will of the majority must be pursued, it cannot violate the needs and rights of the minority.

Which idea central to democracy in the US?

Of course, this will vary by person, but my view is that the central idea of American democracy is the view that although the will of the majority must be pursued, it cannot violate the needs and rights of the minority.

Why does Madison believe that so society broken into many parts will not danger minority rights?

Madison believes that a society broken into many parts, or factions, will not danger minority rights because in a large and diverse society, no single faction would be able to gain complete control. Each faction would have to negotiate and compromise with other factions in order to govern, which would help protect minority rights from being oppressed by the majority faction. Additionally, Madison argues that the existence of multiple factions would prevent tyranny by dividing power and preventing any one group from becoming too dominant.

What is James Madison's plan?

the bill of rights the bill of rights the bill of rights