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It was a Province it didnt become a State until 1820

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Q: What was Maine during the revolution?
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What is historically famous about Maine?

Its occupation during the American Revolution and the War of 1812.

What are 2 important events in Maine's history?

The occupation during the American Revolution. The occupation during the War of 1812.

What war was in Maine?

The American Revolution and the War of 1812.

What are some historical facts in Maine?

It was the 23rd US State and was created by the Missouri Compromise. It was an occupied territory during the American Revolution and the War of 1812.

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the industrial revolution are brought about major changes in the scale and type of tourism development. It brought about not only technological changes but also social and essential social changes that made travel ... Swag got this stuff down

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During which revolution? During the American revolution? Yes, it was the most successful colony of Spain at the time. During the Mexican revolution? Maybe, it was a country on the beginnings of it own industrialization.

Maine was one of the thirteen original states?

Yes I believe it was!Another answer:No, it was not. At the time of the American Revolution, the District of Maine was part of Massachusetts. Maine did not become a separate state until 1820; it was the 23rd state to join the United States.

What part did Maine play in the Revolutionary War?

Maine was in several wars as the 22nd Maine and the 20th Maine were regiments in the Civil War and the 20th Maine was commanded by Joshua Chamberlain, who any self-respecting Mainer should know. Also there is the 101st Refueling Wing in Bangor. Google Fort Kent,Fort Fairfield.

What was the sunken battleship remembered by many through a popular slogan during the spanish American war?

The Maine

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The modes of production were changed during the industrial revolution.

Did Thomas Edison live during the Industrial Revolution?

Yes, he lived during the industrial revolution!

Did people have rights during the french revolution?

Yes, people did have rights during the french revolution.