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he didnt like school

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Q: What was Martin Cooper's education like?
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What is Dr Martin Coopers company called?

the martin cell phone

What was martin coopers school life like?

see, the answer for this was someone calling people b**ches like seriously. come on.

What Martin coopers hometown?

Martin Cooper was born in Liverpool England in 1958

What is Dr Martin Coopers latest creation?

head phones

What is dr martin coopers dad s name?

justin harris

What was Dr martin coopers diagram of the cell phone?

He has his diagram on

Is any of Dr Martin Coopers relatives famous?

ye his mom and dad

Who are martin coopers parents?

The only reference I can find - is that he was "..born of Ukrainian Immigrants..."

How did Martin Coopers cellphone help people communicate?

What is some of Martin coopers life?

Martin Cooper we don'n now much about his childhood or his life alls we know is that he invented the Motorola cellphone!