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Mme. Forestier's reaction when the necklace was returned was one of anger. She was not pleased that it took so long to get back because she may have needed to wear it sooner.

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Anderson Cook

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3y ago

"You ought to have brought it back sooner; I might have needed it."

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2mo ago

Mme Forestier was surprised when the necklace was returned but didn't recognize it as the original one. She expressed her annoyance that it was not returned sooner, given that it had a less expensive replacement.

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Sir Asif Hameed

Lvl 4
1y ago

“You could have brought it back a little sooner!” exclaimed Madame Forestier when Madame Loisel went to return the necklace, in a tone that was just a little bit waspish. I could have used it. As her buddy had feared, she didn't open the case.

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14y ago

Mme. Forestier was indignant and angry at Mme. Loisel for not returning it as quickly as she should have. Her comment was that she (Forestier) might have needed it herself in the meantime.

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14y ago

she says why didnt you return it earlier i might have needed it for another occasion

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Q: What was Mme Forestier's reaction when the necklace was returned?
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What efforts were made to find Mme Forestiers necklace?

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What was Mme Forestier's reaction when the necklace was turned?

Madame Forestier said in a faintly waspish tone: You could have brought it back sooner! I might have needed it! Basically she was not happy with how long it took for Mme. Losiel to bring back a necklace.

How did Mme Forestier recognize Mme Loisel when they met in the Champ-Elysees?

In Guy de Maupassant's short story, "The Necklace" (1884), it is Mme. Loisel, the one who borrowed and lost the necklace, who recognizes Mme. Forestier. This meeting sets up the twist ending.

Why does Mathilde borrows a necklace from Mme Forestier?

A. She does not have fine jewelry

Who is the owner of the necklace in the necklace?

MMe Forestier. It is a counterfeit wearing copy. She smugly does not inform social-climbing Mme Loisel ( la-zell it was pronounced when I had this in English) that it is a wearing copy. she loses it at the ball- exactly how is not stated- a phone call could have saved about sixty grand and a nose-dive into debt slavery and relative poverty.

What is an example of symbolism in the short story The Necklace?

The necklace symbolizes beauty, wealth, and luxury. This is everything Mme. Loisel wants in life but cannot have.

Why was Mme Loisel anxious to hurry awayfrom the ball?

In a hurry because she had lost her necklace and did not know where it was.

Why don't the loisels tell Mme forester that the necklace has been lost?

They are afraid to admit their carelessness.

What is the time line used in the story 'The Necklace'?

The time line is a ten year period. The story begins with the necklace being borrowed and lost and ends ten years later when Mme Loisel meets Mme Forestier after the Loisel's spent ten years paying off the loan they took out to pay for the replacement necklace.

What is the ending of the short story the necklace?

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How did Mme Forestier recognize Mme Loisel when they met in the Champs-Elysees?

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What does it suggest about Mathilde that she tells Mme. Forester the truth about the necklace?

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