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Q: What was NOT part of schooling in the colonies?
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What did the middle colonies do to educate?

they did home schooling

How should Georgia Maryland North Carolina South Carolina Virginia be classified?

Southern Colonies. "Southern Colonies" - give me a break. This is not the year 1775. They are Southern states of the United States. "Southern Colonies" is the answer for a question on an online schooling site, so I believe that Southern Colonies is the correct answer, assuming he is asking about that particular question. I do the online schooling site, and the question is pretty much exactly the same

Was any the puritans part of the colonies?

yes. the puritans were part of the colonies.

Is Maryland part af the southern colonies?

Yes, Maryland is part of the Southern Colonies

What colonies where part of New England?

What writer was born when the 13 colonies were part of England?

What country was thirteen colonies a part of?

The thirteen colonies was part of North America.

Is there a colony that is part of the thirteen colonies that starts with the letter A?

There was no colony that started with an A that was part of the 13 Colonies.

Are the thirteen colonies the same as the middle colonies?

No,the Middle colonies are only a part!!!!!!!!!

Is Jamestown in the middle colonies?

No. Massachusetts is part of the northern colonies.

Which part of the thirteen colonies is represented by cluster A?

middle colonies

Was religion a big part of life in the southern colonies?

yes religion was a big part in the southen colonies

New Jersey is what part of the colonies?

in the thirteen colonies, it was the middle region