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After Adam and Eve sinned, evil came into the world and grew and grew until one day God realized that they only person who was loyal to him was Noah and his family. Everyone else was evil and corrupt. So God commanded Noah to build an ark on dry land, and all his neighbors laughed at him because he had built a giant boat with no way of getting it to the water. Even though he was mocked Noah continued to build. Then God commanded Noah to get a pair of each animal from every corner of the earth, one male and one female into the boat. So Noah opened up the great doors of the ark and each animal filed one by one into the boat. Then Noah and his wife and his sons and their wives boarded the boat and sealed the doors. Then God sent a mighty storm and it rained for forty days and forty nights, flooding the entire surface of the earth so that anyone who was not on the boat perished. After the 40th day and night, it stopped raining and Noah sent out a dove to look for land, but the dove flew back to the boat. The next day he sent the dove out once more and it returned with an olive beak clutched in its beak. The earth dried up and Noah and his family opened the doors of the ark and released the animals. Then God put a rainbow in the sky and promised that he would never destroy the earth again with a flood, and that every time a rainbow appeared in the sky, God would remember his promise.

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Q: What was Noah's ark and flood all about?
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Noah's Ark is the vesset in the Genesis flood narrative through which God spared Noah

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Probably there were no sails on Noah's ark because the ark was built solely for withstanding the world flood, not for going in a certain direction.

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God sent Jesus Christ to restore humanity's friendship with Him through His teachings, sacrifice, and resurrection, which offered redemption and forgiveness for our sins. Jesus's message of love, compassion, and grace serves as a bridge between humanity and God, helping to renew the broken relationship between them.

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He destroyed it by the flood during Noahs days, but the fanily and the animals were on the ark to continue life.

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The next rain after Noah's flood was when Moses parted the water of the red sea. This was a long while after the rains from Noah's Ark and everything they dealt with.

Where can one find the list of animals claimed to be taken into the Ark?

You can find a complete list of animals claimed to be taken into Noah's Ark on the Temple-Baptist home website. You can also find a list on the Noahs-Ark-Flood website.

What is the ark of the Lord?

The Ark of the Lord, also known as the Ark of the Covenant, was a sacred container that held the tablets of the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God. In the Bible, the Ark symbolized the presence of God among the Israelites and was housed in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple in Jerusalem.

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There were two arks , Noahs ark and the ark of the covenant.The ark of the covenant was to carry the ten commandments. Today, the ark is a cabinet in synagogues, normally at the front of the sanctuary, where the Torahs are kept.

Was it Moses or Noah who made the ark?

noah. like Noahs Ark!