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westernize Russia

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Q: What was Peter the Great the first Russian ruler to make an effort to do?
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How do the reigns of Ivan I Ivan IV and Peter the Great express the themes of Russian history?

Ivan IV (the Terrible) and Peter the Great tried to solve the issue of withdrawal to the shore of the Baltic Sea, as it destroyed the country's isolation from Western Europe. Ivan the Terrible began the Livonian War, but failed to achieve their goals. After 150 years of Peter the Great started the Northern War against Sweden and won it. He joined the Russian part of Finland, Estonia and Latvia. He founded a new capital - the city of St. Peter - St. Petersburg - at the mouth of the Neva River. Peter the Great was the first Russian emperor.

What was named after Peter the Great?

There were 3 emperors of Russia that were named Peter. He was the son of Czar Alexei and was born in Moscow. His father died in 1676 leaving the throne to his eldest son Feodor who died in 1682 naming Peter as his successor. Peter was a tall thin man and he was eager to take Russia from the backward nation to the modern nation of his time. He built St. Petersburg ( I was there last summer and it was a beautiful city), started the Russian navy, and built a palace called Peterhof . He did a great deal, but to describe it all here would take too long. There is a lot of books on him if you are interested.

Why did Peter the Great force his first wife to become a nun?


Why did Peter the Great encouraged the Russian men to shave their beards?

Tsar Peter I (or Peter the Great) wanted Russian men to look more like others in western society. At that time, in the 17th-18th century, men in Western Europe and the Americas were removing their beards and mustaches and opting for a different style of dress. First the tsar insisted that men wear European dress at court events; then, he began to order court subjects and townspeople to dress in European style. Within a few years he imposed a tax on beards. Clergymen were exempt from the tax, but everyone else had to pay for the right to wear beards.

On heroes what does Peter Patrelli's necklace mean and why did that Haitian have it in the first season?

It means "Godsend" or "Great ability"

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Who was the first Russian leader to begin westernization?

Peter the Great

Which Russian king first claimed the title of Tsar?

peter the great

Who are some of the Russian monarchs?

Peter the great, Catherine the first, Ivan the terrible are some of the Russian monarchs.

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it's A: Ivan the Terrible

How do the reigns of Ivan I Ivan IV and Peter the Great express the themes of Russian history?

Ivan IV (the Terrible) and Peter the Great tried to solve the issue of withdrawal to the shore of the Baltic Sea, as it destroyed the country's isolation from Western Europe. Ivan the Terrible began the Livonian War, but failed to achieve their goals. After 150 years of Peter the Great started the Northern War against Sweden and won it. He joined the Russian part of Finland, Estonia and Latvia. He founded a new capital - the city of St. Peter - St. Petersburg - at the mouth of the Neva River. Peter the Great was the first Russian emperor.

Which czar had the greatest impact on modernizing Russia?

Peter the first (or sometimes called the great) had to do with social modernization and modernizing Russian clothing, styles, and military.

Who was the first great Russian monarch?

The first great Russian monarch is considered by many to be Ivan the Great. Ivan III of Russia ruled from 1462 - 1505.

The ruler who first tried to westernize russia was?

Peter the Great.

What animal that Beatrix Potter wrote about had the same first name as a Russian composer?

The animal Beatrix Potter wrote about that shares a first name with a Russian composer is Peter Rabbit and Peter Tchaikovsky.

Achievement of Peter the Great?

Peter the great was a vivacious Czar who ruled from 1672 to 1725. His accomplishments were the creation of the first Russian Navy, expansion of trade, and military reforms. Peter the great established the City of St. Petersburg. Peter started the long journey of the modernization of Russia.

Was Peter the great the first person to sail through the Strait?

Yes Peter the great was the first person to sail through the strait.

Was considered to be the first great Romanov ruler.?

Peter the Great.