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Q: What was Plato's ideas for an ideal government?
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What is the ideal form of government suggested in platos the republic?

For Philosophers to rule and be 'guardians' of everyone else, as poor people shouldn't get to vote and make decisions.

How are Platos ideas used today?

they are used in mathematics.

What are the three groups of people in platos ideal state?

philosopher kings 2. warriors 3. all the rest; the people

What were some of Plato's ideas?

some platos idea is no one can do things that they can not do. He said that speech in sep.1999

What is an ideal student?

An ideal student means a student with great ideas &visions

What is the purpose of Platos exercise in drawing up his ideal state?

so that he could become famous and live a rich and healthy life.

Describe the ideal form of government as set forth in Platos Republic?

For Plato, the ideal city was one which mirrored the cosmos, on the one hand, and the individual on the other. As he described in The Republic, the ideal city, or polis, was one based on justice and human virtue. It was a form of social and political organization that allowed individuals to maximize their potentialities, serve their fellow citizens, and live in accordance with universal laws and truths.

What does Lava los Platos mean in English?

"Lava los platos" means "wash the dishes."

What is the first textbook for government called?

Its called Arthashastra. Its called Arthashastra.

What were plato's main ideas about government?

Plato's main ideas about government was that there were three groups of people. The first group were the philosopher kings that ruled logic and wisdom. The second group were warriors that defended the state from attack. The third group were the rest of the people that were driven by desire. This was an ideal government to Plato.

What was the ideal place where people could exchange ideas?

Pizza Hut you can disgus ideas and have a nice meal!

What were Platos ideas about an ideal government?

Plato's ideas about and i deal government were....first he divided three groups of people first he discribed the 1st group as the top, at the top were philosopher kings,who ruled using logic and wisdom. warriors made up the second group. They defended the state from attack. The third group included the rest of the peoplee,they were drivin by desire , not by wisdom like the first group or courage like the second. These produced the states food clothing and shelter Plato also belived that men and women shoulod have the same educational jobs and an equal chance to have the same jobs yAY UR DONE ADDD ME ON PSN PLAYTAION NEWTWORL ps3 ITS DaViiDz- welcome