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Q: What was Poseidon the gods Roman name?
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What is the roman name for posidon?

When the Romans adopted the Greek gods, they renamed Poseidon Neptune.

What is Poseidon's Roman name?

Poseidon's Roman name is Neptune.

What Greek gods begin with n?

Nike. Neptune is the Roman name for Poseidon. As well as Nyx, Nemesis and Nomos.

What is the name of the Greek god Poseidon?

Poseidon's Greek name was Poseidon. Poseidon's Roman name was Neptune.

If the planets are named after the Greek and Roman gods is there a planet named Poseidon?

the Greeks called poseidon" poseidon'' and the Romans called poseidon "neptune".

Who was the third roman god?

the third roman god was neptune which is the roman version of poseidon. it could have been him or hades who is known as pluto. all of the roman gods are the same as the greek gods they just adapted them as their own. i can name all of the greek gods in roman form just in case the answer in worng.

What is poseidon's Romans name?

Poseidon's Roman name is Neptune.

Why did Poseidon have a roman name?

All the Greek gods and goddesses had Roman names,with the exception of Apollo and Calypso,maybe more.The Romans were intrigued with the Greek legends and stories,so they made up their own gods with close relations with the Greeks,but with different names.In case you didn't know,Poseidon's Roman counterpart is Neptune.=)

Is Poseidon a Roman or a Greek god?

Poseidon was a Greek god, the god of the sea. His Roman counterpart is Neptune. Many of the Roman and Greek gods were similar deities, but their names were different.

The name for Poseidon?

In greek mythology, Poseidon is the only name for him. However, later on when the Romans created Gods, Neptune is very similar to Poseidon. However, they are not the same thing. Poseidon is Greek and Neptune is Roman. Poseidon is the only name for Poseidon. Hope this helps :)

When did Neptune Get Its Name?

It was the name of the Roman god of the Sea. After Rome leaders were formed, Numa Pompilius started the Roman religion based on the Greek religion but with different names of the gods. Neptune was really Poseidon.

What are Sparta's gods not greek gods?

First off it isn't Sparta gods it is Roman gods and seconds it is ROMAN NOT GREEK they are similar but not the same. Example Mars-Ares Jupiter- Zeus Neptune-Poseidon