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Mr. Raymond is a white man who prefers the company of black instead of whites. He's faced much hate and prejudice for his "lifestyle". The town believes him to be an old drunk but he reveals to the children that the drink he sips from an old paper bag is simply Coca-Cola. He tells them that he only pretends to be an old drunkard so that the other white people have an explanation for his lifestyle...He has lost hope for the good in people due to all the hate and evil he has seen and experienced in his life time.

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout has a discussion with Dolphus Raymond about his choice to live among African Americans and the discrimination he faces as a result. Raymond reveals that he pretends to be a drunk to provide a way for the townspeople to dismiss his lifestyle, while hiding his true reasons for sympathizing with the African American community. Scout learns from Raymond that people aren't always what they seem and appearances can be deceiving.

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Who do scout and dill run into after they left the courtroom?

Mr. Dolphus Raymond

Does dill drink whiskey from dolphus Raymond?

No. Dolphus Raymond never had any whiskey at all. It was Coca-Cola.

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Scout and Dill discover that Dolphus Raymond is actually drinking Coca-Cola from the bottle he carries in a paper bag, not alcohol as they initially thought. He pretends to be drunk to give the town something to gossip about and to avoid judgment for his lifestyle choices.

How old is dolphus Raymond?

Dolphus Raymond is a fictional character in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. He is not a real person, so his age is not specified.

What kind of drink does Dolphus Raymond really have?

coca cola

What is in mr dolphus Raymond's bottle bag?

In Mr. Dolphus Raymond's bottle bag, there is not alcohol, as many assume, but actually just Coca-Cola. He pretends to drink whiskey from it in order to give the townspeople a reason to explain his behavior of siding with African Americans.

Mr Dolphus Raymond gave Dill a drink of what to settle his stomach?

Mr. Dolphus Raymond gave Dill a drink of Coca-Cola to settle his stomach. However, he led others to believe that he was drinking alcohol, when in fact it was only Coca-Cola in a bottle.

What page in to kill a mockingbird is Dolphus Raymond?

Most of his description is in Ch 16.

How does dolphus Raymond explain crying?

Dolphus Raymond explains his crying as a way to deceive the townspeople into thinking he is just a drunken man rather than face the prejudice and judgment he would experience if they knew the truth about his personal life. He uses this facade to protect himself and his family from social ostracism.

Why did dill assume that dolphus Raymond was poor white trash?

Dill assumed that Dolphus Raymond was poor white trash because he saw him drinking out of a bottle wrapped in a paper bag, which was uncommon behavior for wealthy white people in Maycomb. Dolphus Raymond intentionally perpetuated this image to provide an explanation for his unconventional lifestyle choices and to protect himself from the judgment of others.

Which character in to kill a mockingbird is associated with coke bottles in brown paper wrappers?

Dolphus Raymond

How does mr.Raymond explain his pretense about drinking?

Dolphus Raymond says drinking makes life better.