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Q: What was The great empire that dominated the Middle East?
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What religion dominated in the middle east in 1500?

ISLAM, led by the Ottoman Caliphate and the Safavid Empire, dominated the Middle East in 1500.

During the middle ages What religion dominated the middle east?

The dominant religion in the Middle Ages depended on where you were. In most of Europe, it was Christianity, and in the Middle East and North Africa, for most of the Middle Ages, it was Islam. There were places where both were about equally important, such as Spain.

Who created an empire based on Greek culture through the middle east into India?

cyrus the great

What area was covered by the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great?

The Middle East and Central Asia.

Who was the first Emperor of the Persian Empire and what is he remembered for?

King Cyrus the Great, who spread the Empire through the Middle East to Central Asia.

What were the two great powers in the middle east before the rise of Islam?

The Byzantine Empire and Sassanian Persia were the two great powers in the Middle East in the 400s-634 C.E., before the Rise of Islam.

What was the extent of the Persian Empire under Darius the Great?

From Libya in the west through the Middle East to Central Asia and today's Pakistan in the east.

Did the middle east attacked the byzantine empire?

Yes, the Middle East attacked the Byzantine Empire, i.e. in the Levant. The Turks also attacked the Byzantine Empire.

What is the location where Cyrus the Great established the Persian Empire?

The Middle East, from Asia Minor and west to Central Asia.

Who introduced Greek culture to the Israelites?

Greek culture was introduced to the Middle East by Alexander the Great when he conquered the Persian Empire.

1 what was most involved in European-dominated world trade by 1700 a. China B. Africa c. India d. The Middle East?

Middle East

What is type of government was in 1790 in the Middle East?

In 1790 the middle east was under the control of the Ottoman Empire.