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Saint Domingue aka Haiti

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Q: What was The most profitable French colony in the Western Hemisphere was?
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What was the most profitable French colony in the Western Hemisphere?

The colony of Saint Domingue (now Haiti) prior to the Haitian Revolution was France's most profitable colony in the Western Hemisphere. In fact, Saint Domingue was arguably one of the most profitable colonies in history.

What colony did Napoleon lose in the western hemisphere?

your awesome

What country was the first in the Western Hemisphere to officially abolish slavery?

Haiti was the first country to abolish slavery in the Western Hemisphere. Their revolution had deposed and French and Haiti for all practical purposes was a "slave colony". With their French masters out of the way, Native Haitians ended their own chains in a manner of speaking.

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What European state first settled a colony in the western hemisphere?

Norse. The first European colony in the western hemisphere were led by Leif and Thorvald Erikson and their sister Freydis. Thorvald died there circa 990 AD. The first permanent colony was planted by Spain at St. Augustine in modern day Florida.

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What crop allowed the early English colony of Virginia to become profitable and survive?

Tobacco farming made the English colony of Virginia profitable

Who is the founder of New Hemisphere colony?

The founder of the New Hemisphere colony was John wheelwright

What was the most profitable cash crop in the Virginia colony sold to England?

Tobacco was the most profitable cash crop in the Virginia colony sold to England

What is the status of Western Sahara colony independent nation or territory?

Western sahara is a Moroccan territory. the occupied eastern sahara ( south of french algeria) is Moroccan too. algeria never had a sahara before being a french colony.The last colony in africa is the eastern sahara.

What are the Foreign Influences in Colonial Georgia?

Colonial Georgia was located near the Spanish colony of Florida. Also the French were located near the western border of the colony. Both had permanent effects on the colony.