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Q: What was Tituba's official occupation?
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The last change to the Army of Occupation Medal (Germany) was in 1990 when the official occupation of Berlin ended (02 October 1990)

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His name was Calphurnius and he was a government official as well as a deacon in the Catholic Church.

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John Yoo is a/an Law professor, former official in the United States Department of Justice

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The narrator first mentions working as a grocer's assistant.

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He had no official occupation in the last three years of His life. He was known as a rabbi, healer and religious teacher.

What was William Clark's occupation?

Soldier, explorer, & government official.

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One question: Are you capable of using google?

When Japan get its independence?

If you're referring to the end of the Allied Occupation of Japan, it officially ended on April 28, 1952. Otherwise, Japan does not have an official "Independence Day."