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Q: What was Washington telling black and white southerners to do in order to be successful in the new south?
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What was the result of plessy v Ferguson decision in the south?

That place that were integrated were segregated.

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hot custard

What consequence did the Plessy decision have in the South?

Black and white Southerners developed etiquette for dealing with segregation laws Segregation laws led to social separation between white and black Southerners

Who established black codes?

The Black Codes were enacted by Andrew Johnson and they entail.......... finish it

What advice did Booker T Washington offer to black southerners?

Booker T. Washington advocated for vocational training and self-reliance as a means for black southerners to uplift themselves economically and socially. He believed in working within the existing structures of segregation and discrimination to prove the worth of African Americans, rather than challenging the system directly. Washington emphasized the importance of education and practical skills as a way for black individuals to gain respect and acceptance in society.

What 3 major groups of people faced hardships and fears in the civil war?

poor white southerners, plantation owners, and black southerners

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They white southerners kept African Americans from political power is by creating Black codes

Among the failures of reconstruction was the inability to?

move black Southerners out of poverty.

What did black southerners call themselves after they left the south?

Matthew latham;)

How did slavery divide the white southerners?

they whent black poeple to work on there farm

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How did black southerners respond to decreasing economic and political opportunities in the new south?

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