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"Dont swap horses midstream"

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Q: What was William Henry Harrison's campaign slogan in 1840?
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What was William Henry's campaign slogan in 1840?

"Dont swap horses midstream"

What was William Henry Harrison's campaign slogan in 1840?

Tippecanoe and Tyler, too!"

When did it become common for presidential canidates to have speeches?

William Henry's 1840 campaign slogan

William Henry Harrisons favorite music?


What was William Henry harrisons favorites?

im kinda sure its blue

Why was the battle of tippecaoe important in William Henry Harrisons life?

dont know

How long was president William Henry Harrisons term in office?

32 days

What was Benjamin Harrisons Campaign slogan?

were are herBenjamin Harrison was the only president whose grandfather (William Henry Harrison) had also been president. Throughout his life, though, he was determined to rely on his own efforts and achievements rather than ride on his grandfather's coattails. He once told a crowd of his grandfather's admirers, "He will not build high who had not built for himself." Despite his continuous attempts to distance himself from his grandfather's fame, Harrison's campaign managers did exploit the relationship during his presidential campaign with the slogan, "Grandfather's Hat Fits Ben."

Why did Harrison use the Slogan Grandfathers hats fit Ben during his Campaign?

Benjamin Harrison was the grandson of President William Henry Harrison. Benjamin had made a lifelong effort to succeed on his own without cashing in on the family name, but his supporters still used the slogan in his campaign.

What was William Henry Harrisons occupation?

Besides his career in politics, he was an army general and a planter.

What is William Henry Harrisons wifes's name?

William Henry Harrison's wife's name was Anna Harrison.

What were William Henry Harrisons sibling's names?

Carter Basset, Lucy, Elizabeth, Anne, Benjamin, Sarah.