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Pauline was her name,she supplied milk for Taft and his family.

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12y ago

Pauline Wayne, aka Miss Wayne was Taft's second and best-known cow. She was the last cow to graze on the White House lawn. His first cow was Mooley Wooly.

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13y ago

Because he liked milk so much.

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Q: What was William Howards Taft's cow named?
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When William Taft was in office what was tafts pet?

He had a pet cow named Pauline Wayne. William Taft kept a pet cow named Pauline in the garage of the White House.

What pets did William Howard Taft have when he was president?

His cow, Pauline Wayne

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William Howard Taft had a pet cow named Pauline.

How many pets did William Taft have?

One, a cow named Pauline.

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What was President Tafts pet?

President Taft had three pets-- two cows and a dog. The cows were Pauline Wayne and Mooly Wooly, and the dog was named Caruso. (President Taft was the last president to keep cows on the White House grounds.)

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Who was the last president to keep a cow on the white house lawn?

He was William Howard Taft who kept a cow in order to have fresh milk.