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Taxation without representation.

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Q: What was a disadvantage colonies faced being part of the British Empire?
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cocoa, palm oil, groundnuts

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large profits from the slave trade

What was a disadvantage for the british military in the Revolutionary War?

Great Britain usually had to supply their troops with military equipment by sea from Britain. Many of the sources in the colonies were being used by the Continental Army and those that were available to the British decreased in number as the war went on.

Why did the British colonies decide to form a new country?

The British colonies formed a new country because they were being treated differently by the British people from the mainland.

When did India cease being in the British empire?

in 1947

What was the advantage of being in the British Empire?

Whilst Canada was in the British Empire Britain was burdened with the main responsibility and expense for defending these territories.

Who started the british empire?

Officially such a thing as the British empire never existed. It was just a term given to the various collection of areas Britain dominated.The only actual 'real' empire Britain got involved in was India, the Indian Empire being founded in 1858.The first English colonies and so the British empire as it is commonly known were founded in the late 16th/early 17th century but most of these early attempts failed. The first permanent and lasting colony was Jamestown in 1607. So that's as good a date as any....However these were just English colonies, Britain itself wasn't founded until 1707.So there's your answer there. 1707.

What was an advantage of Canada being in the British empire?

Whilst Canada was in the British Empire Britain was burdened with the main responsibility and expense for defending these territories.

What is good about Canada being in the British empire?

We gave them civilisation.....

When did the colonist declare their independence from great Britain?

They were tired of being controlled by the british king as well as paying taxes

Why did the colonies resent being taxed by the British?

The colonists had never been taxed before. They felt that the British did nothing for them.