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The early definition of the word 'dogfight' meant an aerial battle between two or more aircraft. As the First World War broke out not long after the aeroplane had been invented, there had not been time to develop guns which could be built into the body of a plane. The first fighter planes were only equipped with machine-guns which were fixed onto the top wing.

These early fighter aircraft had two two seats, with a man sitting in the rear controlling the guns. Dogfights were extremely difficult because the pilot would have to Dodge other enemy aircraft while listening to the commands of the gunner as to where to fly to get the enemy into his sights.

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8y ago

The early definition of the word 'dogfight' meant an aerial battle between two or more aircraft. As the First World War broke out not long after the aeroplane had been invented, there had not been time to develop guns which could be built into the body of a plane. The first fighter planes were only equipped with machine-guns which were fixed onto the top wing. Dog fights were common in the first world war.

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11y ago

when a pilot shouts 5 planes that is what a dog fight is

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9y ago

Manfred von Richthofen won the most dog fights in WWI. The German pilot had 80 victories. He was known by his nickname "The Red Baron. "

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Are dog vs dog fights legal in the world?

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