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Q: What was a major accomplishment of both Tutankhamun and Rameses II?
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Which 2 major cultures developed in ancient Greece?

Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.Roman culture was shaped by both the Greek and Etruscan cultures.

What field did Ovid and Virgil have their greatest Accomplishment?

Ovid and Virgil made their greatest accomplishments in the field of poetry. Ovid was born Publius OVidius Naso and was best known for his 15-book narrative Metamorphoses, his book of love poems, Amores, and Ars Amatoria. Virgil was born Publius Vergilius Maro and was known for his poetry the Eclogues, the Georgics, and his epic poem Aeneid.

Who is the woman that became the Great Bear?

The woman is named Callisto. She was a hunter's servant, turned into a bear by the goddess Hera. Callisto also had a son named Arcas who didn't know that his mother had been turned into a bear. So, he was about to kill her when Zeus, Hera's husband, put them both into the sky as the greater and lesser bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. That is the legend of how Callisto became a bear, and then became Ursa Major.

What is on similarity between the Incas and the Aztecs was that both civilizations were?

They both practiced human sacrifices, they both built religious temples, and they both were defeated by the Spanish who were looking for gold.

How are Hercules and Theseus alike?

They are both brave. they both showed courage, braveness, and honor. They were both heroes and myths.

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Who are two famous ancient egyptians?

Tutankhamun and Rameses as they were both well known Pharaohs.

What was the biggest accomplishment of the Nixon administration?

His administration established relationships with China and got us out of Vietnam. Both of these things were major accomplishments.

People in Tut's immediate family?

Tutankhamun was married to Ankhesenpaaten .It is assumed they had two children, both girls, whose mummies were discovered in Tutankhamun's tomb - they both died as babies

When did King Tutankhamun's daughters die?

his daughters were both stillborn

How are Hatshepsut and Tutankhamun alike?

Both were ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

How meny children did Tutankhamun have?

he did not have any childrenAnswer:After becoming king, Tutankhamun married his half sister Ankhesenepatan (AKA as Ankhesenamun). Their two daughters were both stillborn.

Why are Akhenaton and Tutankhamun well-known?

because they were both close to each other and they both did almost the same thing .

Did King Tutankhamun s children die?

Yes he had two daughters and they were both stillborne

King Tutankhamun have any children?

Yes, two daughters, both were born premature though and died

Was King Tutankhamun a father?

Technically yes, two daughters, but both were miscarriges so it depends on how you look at it.

Did King Tutankhamun have any offspring's?

King Tut had two daughters but both were born prematurely and died

How many kids dose King Tutankhamun have?

King Tut had 2 children. But, they both dies at birth.