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The airplane did not fly fast enough.

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Q: What was a major design flaw in the X-1?
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What was a major design flaw in the X 1?

The airplane did not fly fast enough.

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C program to design a car?

#include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<math.h> #include<conio.h> #include<dos.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define RAD 3.141592/180 class fig { private: int x1,x2,y1,y2,xinc,yinc; public: void car() { xinc=10;yinc=10; x1=y1=10; x2=x1+90;y2=y1+35; int poly[]={x1+5,y1+10,x1+15,y1+10,x1+20,y1,x1+50,y1,x1+60,y1+10,x1+90,y1+17,x1+90,y1+20,x1+5,y1+20,x1+5,y1+10}; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTGRAY); setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE,1,2); setcolor(4); drawpoly(9,poly); line(x1+15,y1+10,x1+60,y1+10); line(x1+20,y1+10,x1+20,y1); line(x1+35,y1+10,x1+35,y1); line(x1+50,y1+10,x1+50,y1); floodfill(x1+18,y1+8,4); floodfill(x1+28,y1+8,4); floodfill(x1+36,y1+8,4); floodfill(x1+52,y1+8,4); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,4); floodfill(x1+18,y1+12,4); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLUE); bar(x1+5,y1+20,x1+90,y1+25); setcolor(DARKGRAY); circle(x1+20,y1+25,8); circle(x1+20,y1+25,6); setfillstyle(1,8); floodfill(x1+21,y1+25,8); circle(x1+70,y1+25,8); circle(x1+70,y1+25,6); floodfill(x1+71,y1+25,8); int size=imagesize(x1,y1,x2,y2); void far *buf=farmalloc(size); getimage(x1,y1,x2,y2,buf); while(!kbhit()) { putimage(x1,y1,buf,XOR_PUT); x1+=xinc;x2+=xinc; if(x2<(getmaxx()-10)) putimage(x1,y1,buf,COPY_PUT); else { cleardevice(); x1=10;x2=x1+90; y1+=yinc;y2+=yinc; if(y2<(getmaxy()-10)) { putimage(x1,y1,buf,COPY_PUT); } else {y1=10;y2=y1+35;} } delay(200); } farfree(buf); getch(); } } } } void main() { int gd=DETECT,gm; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"d:\\cplus"); fig f;; cleardevice(); closegraph(); }

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How do you turn a Motorola BT60 back on after it was shut off?

You don't, once it is turned off you cannot turn it back on. It was a major design flaw and I cannot personally apologise enough. Sources: Motorola Engineer (Working on the BT60 model)