

What was a mermaids skin like?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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14y ago

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You mean, what is a mermaid's skin like? A mermaid is half woman, and half fish. So, you remember what your skin is like when you have been in the water? Your skin is a little bumpy an wrinkly. The same goes for a mermaid, just a little more wrinkly and bumpy.

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The legends about mermaids comes to us through time. Many of the stories began in Ireland where they were called Silkies and the story goes that seals are mermaids. One night a year they come ashore shedding their skin and a human can put on the skin becoming a silkie or they can take the skin of a silkie keeping them human. The legend goes on to say that there is no great love than the love of a silkie. Stories like this come from the ages of time and from various places. Writers like Hans Christian Anderson wrote stories like the Little Mermaid in the 1800's that has come to us through Disney. But mermaids are just fairy tales and do not exist.

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They are not just for girls its just that most boys don't like mermaids.

What types of mermaids are there?

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not realy

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yes of course just like we do it makes no difference mermaids don't even exist