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"Konzentrations Larger". It meant that it was the world's largest grave.

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Q: What was a nickname for Auschwitz?
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How did Auschwitz get its nickname?

From 1772-1918 the town was in the Austrian Empire Oswiecim, and Auschwitz was its German name.

Why do people where striped pajamas in Auschwitz?

Yes, they did! The uniform, being given the nickname pyjamas. In winter they would be given a coat of the same 'pyjama'-style.

What are the names of the 3 main camps including Auschwitz?

Auschwitz I Stammlager, Auschwitz II Birkenau and Auschwitz III Monowitz

Where was Auschwitz-Birkenau established?

Auschwitz Birkenau was established at Auschwitz but Auschwitz is now called Oświęcim.

Where was the extermination camp Auschwitz?

Auschwitz I- Birkenau

How many parts did Auschwitz have?

It had 3 sections. Auschwitz-I, which served as a working camp. Auschwitz II-Birkenau, the death camp. Auschwitz-III, it was used to provide slave labor to the nearby industry.

What are the 3 parts of Auschwitz called?

Auschwitz had 3 big 'main' camps. They were called Auschwitz I, Auschwitz Birkenau and Auschwitz Monowitz. Monowitz was really a sub camp which was commonly used and when expanded did become as part of the main camps. Out of the lot, Auschwitz Birkenau was the biggest and most feared of as this part was about Extermination when the Final Solution was putted in place.

Was Auschwitz the main camp?

From early 1942 Auschwitz operated as both. The only other camp that served as both a concentration camp and extermination camp was Majdanek.

Where was Auschwitz death camp?

Auschwitz is located in Poland.

Who was commandment of Auschwitz?

The Commandant of Auschwitz was Rudolf Hoess.

Who establised Auschwitz?

Auschwitz was established by Heinrich Himmler.

The largest Nazi death camp was located at?

Auschwitz and it was located in Nazi-Occupied Poland.