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Q: What was a result of an uprising by Czech protestant against the Catholic ruler of the Holy Roman Empire?
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Who fought against the Catholic princes alliance and the Holy Roman Empire?

Protestant Princes union

First ruler of the Holy Roman Empire?

Henry I, first but he did not last that long so then, Otto I to be the emperor, which is considered to be the ruler.But a result of an uprising by Czech Protestants against the Catholic ruler of the Holy Roman Empire was the Thirty Year War.

By 1600 what areas of Europe were mainly Catholic or mainly Protestant?

Spain, Italy, and France were mainly Catholic. Sweden was mostly protestants.AnswerIn 1600 Ireland, the Spanish Netherlands, France, Spain, most of the Holy Roman Empire (Southern Germany), and Italy remained Catholic. Sweden, Norway, Northern Germany - Holy Roman Empire, Scotland, England, and the Denmark Netherlands had been lost to the various protestant heresies.

Why did the Protestant Reformation lead to conflict?

The Protestant Reformation set Catholics and Protestants against each other throughout the empire. It also made one religion the required belief system for a multi-country empire, which caused conflict since Protestantism disagreed with many other belief systems across Great Britain.

What job did boudicca have?

Boudicca was queen of the tribe known as the British Iceni. This was a Celtic tribe. They led the uprising against forces who occupied the Roman Empire.

Why were the protestant and catholic countries fighting in Germany?

Over the question of religion and who gets to decide the belief system. The Vatican, thought that the losses of churches and more importantly church land was more or less illegal so they pressured catholic princes and leaders of the fracturing holy roman empire to wage war against the protestants

When was Boudicea born?

Boudica was born in 30 AD. Boudica was the Queen of the British Iceni tribe. Her tribe led an uprising against the Roman Empire forces.

Which European and Anglican countries became Catholic and Protestant as a result of Reformation and Counter Reformation?

The protestant revolt ended with the northern part of the Holy Roman Empire and parts north becoming protestant - Scandavian, Belgium, also parts of Europe, the Netherlands, etc. Portugal, Spain, France, Austria, Sourthern Germany, and Italy remained Catholic. England, Scotland, and Wales had their own revolt leaving the Church, while Ireland remained Catholic.

Did the Protestant Reformation take place in germany?

It took place within the Catholic Churches controled by the See of Rome. This included all Catholic congregations in schism with the papacy over the 1517 Papal Bull issued against the Catholic Council of Bishops; removing them from their authority over dogma and doctrine within Western-Catholicism. Many Catholic congregations converted to Evangelical Protestant or Reformed theologies throughout Europe. Germanic, Frankish, Celtic, and Scandinavian trides controlled by the Holy Roman Empire consisted of Evangelical Protestant and Reformed congregations converting from papal authority to a more recognizable continuance of Catholicism within these newly named Church bodies.

Why is a part of the Christian church called Protestant?

Many people assume that Protestants are called Protestant simply because they are somehow protesting against the Catholic Church. That's almost historically correct, but not completely. In 1529, The Diet of Speyer reaffirmed an earlier decision of the Diet of Worms in 1521. Both decisions banned Martin Luther's 95 Theses within the Holy Roman Empire. In 152T9, the Lutheran Princes within the Empire wrote a public Letter of Protest against this decision, and this group of Lutheran Princes became known as Protestants. In time, the term Protestant was extended from the protesting Princes to include the religious reformers, such as Luther, Calvin and Zwingli. Still later, the term Protestant came to include anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, but who does not worship within the Roman Catholic Church, or within the Eastern Orthodox Churches.

What was the Religious conflict in Europe that began in Prague as a Protestant rebellion against the Holy Roman Empire was called?

it was called the "thirty years war".

When was the Roman Catholic Church considered the official religion?

The Roman Catholic Church was never considered the official religion anywhere for the simple reason that there is NO "Roman Catholic Church", that is just an epithet that started in England following the protestant revolt. The Catholic Church was first made legal in the old Roman empire in 313 during the reign of Constantine I. In 380 A.D., under Emperor Theodosius I, Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire by the decree of the Emperor, which would persist until the fall of the Western Empire. In 800A.D.,with the coronation of Charlemagne as the Holy Roman Emperor, all of what would become Europe became a Catholic empire, and remained so as long as the rulers were Catholic. Thus, in Northern Germany and England, the Church was no longer considered the official religion by the newly minted protestant princes in those countries.