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The development of agriculture was a key advance in human development as it provided a stable food source, allowing people to settle in one place and form civilizations. Agriculture also enabled the development of specialized labor, complex social structures, and technological advancements.

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Q: What was an advance in human development because it allowed societies and civilization to form?
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How did the development of settled agriculture change Indian societies?

The development of settled agriculture in India led to the growth of permanent villages and the accumulation of surplus food. This allowed for population growth, the establishment of social hierarchies, and the emergence of complex civilizations, such as the Harappan civilization. Agriculture also influenced cultural and technological advancements, shaping the trajectory of Indian societies.

What enabled the transformation from hunter-gatherer societies to farming societies?

The development of agriculture around 10,000 years ago enabled the transformation from hunter-gatherer societies to farming societies. Agriculture allowed for a more reliable and plentiful food supply, leading to settlements and the growth of more complex societies.

What was a major development that allowed hunter-gatherer groups to change toagricultural societies?

The development of agriculture led to a more reliable food supply for hunter-gatherer groups, allowing them to settle in one place and form agricultural societies. This shift from hunting and gathering to farming also led to population growth, social complexity, and the development of sedentary lifestyles.

How did the development of agriculture bring change to human society?

The development of agriculture allowed people to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the growth of populations. Additionally, agriculture enabled the specialization of labor, creation of social classes, and the development of complex societies. Moreover, the surplus of food produced through agriculture allowed for trade, the development of technologies, and the rise of civilizations.

What did the hunter gatherer societies to change from a nomadic lifestyle to living in settlements?

Hunter-gatherer societies transitioned to living in settlements due to factors such as the development of agriculture, which provided a more reliable food source, and the domestication of animals. This shift allowed for the accumulation of surplus food, enabling a more sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, living in settlements facilitated social organization, the development of specialized skills, and the establishment of more complex societies.

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How did the development of farming contribute to the rise of civilization?

The development of farming enabled people to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the accumulation of surplus food. This surplus allowed for population growth, specialization of labor, establishment of social structures, and the development of complex societies that eventually led to the rise of civilization.

How did agriculture provide the primary economic foundation for civilization?

Agriculture provided the primary economic foundation for civilization by enabling a consistent and reliable food supply. It allowed humans to settle in one place, leading to the development of permanent settlements and the growth of complex societies. This shift from hunting and gathering to farming allowed for the specialization of labor, the establishment of trade networks, and the growth of civilization as we know it.

What role did the Aegean sea play in the spread of the civilization?

Irrigation systems played a large role in the development of civilization because these systems allowed farming .

What role did the islands of Aegean sea play in the spread of civilization?

Irrigation systems played a large role in the development of civilization because these systems allowed farming .

What role did the islands of the aegeans sea play in the spread of civilization?

Irrigation systems played a large role in the development of civilization because these systems allowed farming .

What role did food production play in the rise of civilization?

Food production played a crucial role in the rise of civilization. The development of agriculture allowed humans to transition from hunter-gatherer societies to settled communities, as people began to cultivate crops and domesticate animals. This shift led to a surplus of food, enabling population growth, the division of labor, and the development of complex social, political, and economic systems that are characteristic of civilizations.

Why was the invention of writing so important to the development of civilization?

The invention of writing allowed for historical record to be easily accessible; which played a huge part in the development of civialization.

How did the neolithic revolution contribute to the development of the first river valley civilization?

It allowed people to establish permanent farming communities.

What did the development of agriculture allow early people to do?

The development of agriculture allowed early people to transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled lifestyle. It provided them with a stable food source, which allowed for the development of permanent settlements and the growth of civilization. It also led to the development of more advanced technologies and social structures.

How did Rome's urban problems affect the development of cities in later civilization?

They had capitalism so it changed the development of cities in later civilization because it allowed people to vote on their views and have opinions instead of just being told what/who were going to be the new leaders and laws of the country.

How did the development of agriculture changed Stone Age society?

it allowed people to stay in one place so therefor they could start a civilization and not be nomads

How did the geography of Africa encourage the development of diverse civilization?

the terrain allowed for nearly hidden civilizations to grow up right next to each other