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it was just an empty space but then the creators made something of that space

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Q: What was before the customizer in poptropica?
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Why does the customizer say pick a character and nothing is there?

in poptropica

How do you get kittie ears in poptropica with the costomizer?

click on them with the customizer its easy

Where do you get clothes in Poptropica?

On the store beneath the gold cards or on the customizer button on the game.

Where is the fist hole in poptropica?

I Think you get it from the customizer thing click it then click someone. That's what I think.

How do you get rid of the freckles on poptropica?

click on customizer then click on someone without freckles and click on that persons cheeks as long as they have no freckles

Why some of the people in poptropica wear the same outfits as the characters?

You click on the customizer on the toolbar and then click someone. It will show the character and you can choose things from them.

What do people do to change their people on poptropica besides customizer?

click ctrl shift R it also changes the cat on 24 carrot island into a person!

How do you get the sunglasses on Poptropica?

find a poptropican with sunglasses and press the customizer button which is the shirt in the corner. it willl let you take what clothes or items you want from that poptropican.

Where do you get the Costumizer In Poptropica?

When you see a person on poptropica streets whose outfit is cool and you want it, click on the green t-shirt icon for customizer, then click on the character. It will show the character and you, and you can remove whatever items you want from yourself, and by clicking on the parts of the outfit so you can take the parts of the outfit you like. You can also do this in multiplayer rooms with other players. The customizer will not change the colour of the skin and hair.

How do you get the nerd costume off on poptropica?

you first go to Ned noodle head the nerd.then you click customizer and click on the nerd.then just copy off of him tada.

What is the average salary of a car customizer?

how much is the pay of a car customizer in wisconsin

How do you get the shark suit on shark island in poptropica?

you can"t you can now because they've added a customizer click on the green t-shirt click the shark and click on all over him.