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Q: What was boycotted during the stamp act?
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What British goods were boycotted during the Stamp Act?

paper, books and other paper materials

Why were bristish goods boycotted?

The Stamp Act is the reason that British goods were boycotted.

What did the colonists do to stop the stamp act?

They boycotted

Who boycotted the stamp act by throwing out goods?

America did.

Which act was so effectively boycotted that it was soon repealed?

Stamp Act

What did sam Addams do to oppose the stamp act?

He boycotted the things.

How did the colonists rebel against the Stamp Act?

colonists boycotted, sons of liberty burned down newspaper stands

Exactly why was the Stamp Act disbanded in 1766?

The Sons of Liberty boycotted the Stamp Act and the British Treasury was losing money because of it. Hence, they repealed the act.

Did the colonists buy more British goods as a result of the Stamp Act?

No they boycotted it and got the British angry (how did you not know that).

What was the stamp act to the colonists?

The colonists ignored the stamp act and boycotted all British goods until the Parliament agreed to let the colonies have representation in the Parliament. "No taxation without representation!" was their slogan.

Do you have pictures of the stamp act?

They did not have cameras during the stamp Act.

What were some colonial responses to the stamp act?

In answer to this act, the colonies made up a group called the Stamp Act Congress. This group protested and sent letters to the King, and the Parliament