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paper, books and other paper materials

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Q: What British goods were boycotted during the Stamp Act?
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Why were bristish goods boycotted?

The Stamp Act is the reason that British goods were boycotted.

Did the colonists buy more British goods as a result of the Stamp Act?

No they boycotted it and got the British angry (how did you not know that).

Who boycotted the stamp act by throwing out goods?

America did.

How were women important to colonial resistance?

They boycotted British goods, such as tea, as result of the stamp act and other injust laws created by the British Parliment.

What two ways did the patriots protest the stamp act?

1. The patriots boycotted British goods 2. Violence by the Sons of Liberty

What did the woman do during the Revolutionary War?

They Quartered troops, Boycotted British goods and ran their husbands businesses

What was the stamp act to the colonists?

The colonists ignored the stamp act and boycotted all British goods until the Parliament agreed to let the colonies have representation in the Parliament. "No taxation without representation!" was their slogan.

What type of british goods did women boycott?

The british goods that women boycotted were clothing,tea,and accesories.

What was the colonist reaction to the stamp act?

The colonists ignored the stamp act and boycotted all British goods until the Parliament agreed to let the colonies have representation in the Parliament. "No taxation without representation!" was their slogan.

What happened when the colonists boycotted goods that carried a British tax?

The British raised taxes.

How did the colonist protest the taxes placed on the British goods?

The Boston tea party and they boycotted the goods

Why did the British end the Stamp Act?

The British government took away the stamp act because the Colonists were protesting. The colonists started to destroy lots of things until they found their way. They captured British stamp makers and killed them. The colonists started boycotts against British goods. Then, the British merchants started to complain to king George about how their not going to do business anymore. So, king George took away the stamp act.