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Federalism is a type of government in which governing authority is divided between a central authority and states of the nation. In the United States, that would be the federal government (The president, congress and the Supreme Court) and the governers of each state. This concept was not initially employed until a few years after the Revolution, but it was the basic idea of the kind of government that was wanted in America. One of the biggest complaints the colonists had was 'taxation without representation. The colonists had no representatives in Parliament to voice their opinions or interests in matters. James Madison was a member of the Continental Congress and the Continental Convention. He also was a contributer to the Federalist Papers, which argued the effectiveness of the Constitution before it was (ratified, not sure if that is the right word, basically it was when a majority of the states approved this type of government).

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Q: What was federalism according to James Madison?
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Who are the founders of federalism?

In the United States: Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

Who is the founder of federalism?

Federalism is a political concept that dates back to ancient times and has evolved over the centuries. There is no single founder of federalism, as it is a concept that has been embraced and implemented by various political thinkers and nations throughout history. Some key figures associated with the development of federalism include James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Adams in the United States, as well as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Montesquieu in Europe.

What is James Madison's full name?

James Madison, Jr.

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James Madison

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James Madison's father's name is James Madison, Sr.

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Dolley Payne Todd Madison was the wife of James Madison.

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James Madison states in the Federalist 51 that "justice is the end of government"

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James Madison did not have a middle name. Therefore, his full name was James Madison - occasionally James Madison Jr., as he shared his name with his father.

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he was 59 at death. he was adopted by marriage, Madison had no biological son.

Is James Madison also called James Madison Jr?

Yes- he father was James Madison, Sr.

What race was James Madison?

James Madison was white.

How was called James Madison?

Colonel James Madison