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Q: What was formed by representatives of all but one of the thirteen colonies Representatives voted on what action to take against the British and their taxes?
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The was formed by representatives of all but one of the 13 colonies. Representatives voted on what action to take against the British and their taxes.?

American revolution

The was formed by representatives of all but one of the 13 colonies. Representatives voted on what action to take against the British and their taxes?

American revolution

Who were the representatives of the first 13 colonies that voted on what action to take against the British taxes?

the patriots

Representatives from the colonies met in 1774 for?

Representatives from the 13 colonies, except Georgia, met for what became the first Continental Congress. They came togetheroppose British policies that restricted their rights and taxed them without representation in Parliament

What war was between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism?

The American Revolution was the war between the thirteen colonies and British mercantilism.

WHAT country was the 13 colonies from?

The thirteen colonies were British.

What British Act did colonists argue was a form of taxation without representation?

The Stamp Act of 1765 was argued to be a tax without representation since the British colonies had no representatives in the British Parliament.

What act did colonist argue was a form of taxation without representation?

The Stamp Act of 1765 was argued to be a tax without representation since the British colonies had no representatives in the British Parliament.

What is the Delceration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence is the document that was approved by representatives of the American colonies in 1776 that stated their grievances against the British monarch and declared their independence.

When and where was the Albany conference?

The Albany Congress (1754), also known as, "The Conference of Albany" was a meeting of representatives sent by the legislatures of the northern seven of the thirteen British North American colonies (specifically, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island).

What is the definition of Declaration of Independence?

Definition of Declaration of Independence:A document declaring the US to be independent of the British Crown, signed on July 4, 1776, by the congressional representatives of the Thirteen Colonies, including Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams ~Hope this helped =D

why did colonists feel that the british parliament overstepped its bounds with the stamp act?

The colonists felt that the British government had no right to tax them because there were not any representatives of the colonies in the British Parliament. The colonies had no say in how much the taxes should be or what they should pay for. They didn't think this was fair.