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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Braxton Underwood is a newspaper editor who is known for being very blunt and forthright in his opinions. His humor comes from his straightforward and often gruff manner of speaking, which can be unexpected and amusing in the context of the story.

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Q: What was funny about Braxton Underwood in to kill a mockingbird?
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Where does Braxton Underwood live in To Kill a Mockingbird?

In the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Braxton Underwood lives in Maycomb, the same town where the Finch family resides. Braxton Underwood is the editor of The Maycomb Tribune.

What is Mr underwoods real name in the story to kill a mockingbird?

In the story "To Kill a Mockingbird," Mr. Underwood's real name is Braxton Underwood. He is the editor and publisher of Maycomb's newspaper, The Maycomb Tribune, and he is known for his outspoken views on racial injustice in the town.

Who's mr underwood in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Mr. Braxton Bragg Underwood is the "sole owner, editor, printer" of The Maycomb Tribune newspaper.He is the "sole owner, editor, printer" of The Maycomb Tribune newspaper.Chapter 15, page 168 of the 40th anniversary To Kill a Mockingbird.

Who is Mr Underwood in 'To Kill a Mockingbird'?

Mr. Braxton Bragg Underwood is the "sole owner, editor, printer" of The Maycomb Tribune newspaper.He is the "sole owner, editor, printer" of The Maycomb Tribune newspaper.Chapter 15, page 168 of the 40th anniversary To Kill a Mockingbird.

Who is the editor of the local newspaper in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The editor of the local newspaper in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is Mr. Braxton Underwood. He is known for his principled stance against racism and for supporting Atticus Finch in his defense of Tom Robinson.

Owns the newspaper in the book To Kill a Mockingbird?

Mr. Underwood

Why braxton Underwood would protect Atticus from a mob?

Braxton Underwood protects Atticus Finch from a mob in "To Kill a Mockingbird" because he respects Atticus as a man of integrity and justice. Despite being a racist character, Braxton recognizes Atticus's courage in defending Tom Robinson and is willing to put his personal feelings aside to help a fellow member of the community in need.

What side is Mr Underwood on regarding the trial in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Mr. Underwood is on the side of justice and fairness during the trial in "To Kill a Mockingbird." He demonstrates his support for Tom Robinson, the defendant, by writing a newspaper editorial condemning the racism and injustice present in the trial.

Who is from northern Alabama Winston From To Kill a Mockingbird?

Winston Underwood is from northern Alabama in "To Kill a Mockingbird." He is the owner of The Maycomb Tribune, and though he is a recluse, he is respected in the town for his principled stance on racial inequality.

What is the name of the court reporter in To Kill a Mockingbird?

The court reporter in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is named Mr. Underwood. He works in the courtroom during the trial of Tom Robinson, recording the proceedings.

Who is the president of L and R railroad in to kill a mockingbird?

The president of the L and N Railroad in "To Kill a Mockingbird" is Mr. Underwood. He is known for his unbiased reporting in the Maycomb Tribune and is respected in the community for his sense of fairness.

In To Kill A Mockingbird did Mr Underwood have a shotgun aimed at the mob?

Yes, in "To Kill a Mockingbird," Mr. Underwood stood guard with a shotgun aimed at the mob that gathered at the jail where Tom Robinson was being held. His actions helped protect Atticus Finch and Tom from the violent intentions of the mob.