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Q: What was great Britain turning point in world war 2?
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Was the battle of Britain the turning point of World War 2?

No D day was

Reasons why the battle of Britain was not a turning point in World War II?

Mistaken question - It WAS a turning point in WW2. Tt was the first major defeat for the Luftwaffe.

Reasons why the battle of Britain was not a turning point in World War 2?

The Axis still had the upper hand after it.

What was the turning point of World War 2 with the battle of Britain?

when Germany started bombing civilian areas

What was the turning point of World War 2 in Europe that stopped the proposed invasion of Britain?

Germany's invasion of Russia

In 1588 the Spanish Armada was defeated Why was this a turning point in history?

The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 can be seen as a turning-point in history because, despite some undeniable ups-and-downs for both nations in the years to come, Spain and Great Britain moved in different directions from that point onward. For Spain, the following history would witness a tremendous decline in its strength and influence. For Great Britain, by contrast, there followed a tremendous rise into world-dominance.

When did Britain start to win World War 2?

The Batttle of Britian was a turning point that discouraged Hitler from invading England

What was the turning point in the Great Depression?

The turning point of the Great Depression is when people had no where to live and support their families.

Was the declaration of independence a turning point in American history?

I wouldn't say it was a turning point. The Battle of Concord in April of 1775 was more a turning point, then there was the battle of Bunker Hill, and the siege of Boston. The Declaration wasn't signed until July 4, 1776 so a great deal had gone on before it. I think of it more as statement of reasons, purpose and facts to tell the world why they wanted to be free of the English crown.

What was the major turning point in the war of Europe in world war 2?

D-Day invasion of Normandy, June 6th, 1944.

What city was not a departure point in great Britain during World War 2?

Liverpool and Manchester.

Where was the turning point in World War I?

when rasa was beating usa in world war 1 so that is y they turning point