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Traditionally it was to slay the Nemean Lion, which had a hide no steel or stone could penetrate.

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Q: What was hercules first labor to perform for eurystheus?
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What was Hercules first labor to perform eurystheus?

The Nemean lion.

What happened after Hercules killed megara?

His punishment for the slaying of his wife and children was to labor for his rival Eurystheus. These became the Twelve Labors.

What is the animal that Heracles had to capture on Crete?

A bull that was said to breathe fire. The Cretan Bull was the property of King Minos, and this was the seventh labor given to Hercules by King Eurystheus.

Who was the victim of Hercules' first labor?

The Nemean lion.

What was the name of the beast slain by Hercules in his first labor?

The Nemean Lion.

What does Hercules wear as a cloak after his FIRST labor?

He wears the Nemean lion's skin.

What is Hercules third labor and who did he do it for?

Hercules' 3rd labor was to find the Ceryneis Hind. He did it for King Eurysetheus.

Why did Hercules need to do labor?

Hercules needed to perform twelve labors as a punishment for killing his wife and children in a fit of madness. Completing the labors was part of his penance to atone for his crime and prove his worthiness to the gods.

What god or goddess is Leo named after?

After the big Lion of Nemea, which Hercules killed as his first labor.

Where did the tenth labor of Hercules take place?

Hercules' tenth labor was to bring back the cattle of Geryon. This took place on the island of Erythia.

What is Hercules' animal?

He does not have a symbol animal. However, his first labor was to kill the Nemean lion and since then he wore its skin.

What is the name of the hairy overcoat that Hercules wears during one of the 12 labors of Hercules?

I believe you are referring to the Nemean's Lion fur. heracle's first labor was defeating the Nemena Lion, and after killing it, Hercules took it's fur and wore it because it was impervious to attacks.