

What was hitlers book about?

Updated: 1/26/2021
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14y ago

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Hitler's autobiography "Mein Kampf" is translated to "My Struggle." It basically sums up his suck fest of a life.

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it was about plans he was making about it

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It is: 'My struggle'

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in short main kampf or my struggles was a book amount Hitlers beliefs for Germany and what hes was going to do for them

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He wrote Mein Kampf, meaning (my struggle).

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The book which Hitler wrote was called "Mein Kampf" in English, it's"My Struggle". There were 2 volumes which expressed all of Hitler's Ideals and how see the world to be at the time, and how he would change the future. This gives you a glimpse and what happened during Hitler's Reign.

The title of hitlers book mein kampf in English is?

The title of Hitler's book "Mein Kampf" translates to "My Struggle" in English.

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Hitlers father was Alois Hitler.