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It was called the crucifiction....

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Q: What was it called when Jesus died?
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When did Jesus chrs died?

Jesus died on what is now called Good Friday.

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What do we call the day that Jesus died?

It is called Good Friday.

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The Day of Preparation

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he died in the garden of Gethsemane Answer: Jesus died on the cross , in a place called Golgotha that means The skull. It is a little outside Jerusalem.

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On the cross on the hill of the skull, called Golgotha.

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Jesus died in a place called Calvary, also called Golgotha, meaning Place of the Skull, outside the city of Jerusalem.

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Where and how did Jesus die?

Jesus died in Jerusalem. He died when he was crucified.

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jesus was on earth before he died.

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jesus died c.30

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Jesus died first