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it was hard and lots of people died then they all were thinking of families becase the loved then

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Q: What was it like for the average soldier in the trenches?
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Related questions

How long was an average soldier in the trenches for?

depend upon which trench and what there role was

Who lived in the world war 1 trenches?

soldiers lived in the trenches, you could only be a soldier if you weren't a farmer

What are the trenches built for the British soldier to get close to the Maori pa?

The trenches were called saps and the people who dug them were called sappers.

Is there a quote from a soldier or famous person about the World War 1 trenches?

Not to my knoledge.

What could you see in World War 1?

you could see deep trenches , dead soldier everywhere . weapons bombs , like fireworks . and alot

How did they keep cool in the trenches?

During war , soldiers dig long trenches to hide from the enemy's attack. Trenches are dug in mud hence keep the trench cold and makes the survival easy for the soldier.

How was a typical day of a German soldier in the trenches during world war 1?


What was the reserve trenches like?

Reserve trenches

What did soldier mostly do in the trenches in World War 1?

They would properly wait for orders from their superiors

What is life like in the trenches for the typical British soldier?

For the soldiers life in the trenches was really tough. The soldiers shared there beds with mice and rats. Also it was not only summer whilst in the trenches it was also winter meaning frequent rain. This made the soldiers lives umbearable and gave them trench foot. Type that into the internet and you will see how horrific life for the soldiers realy was.

What were trenches like in world war 1?

The Trenches were grotty , digusting and they had no room

What were the World War 1 trenches like?

The Trenches were grotty , digusting and they had no room