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In 1828, William H. Spencer invented them. Thomas Perry made the first rubber band company. Now, they are used for lots of activities. P.S. Please Google for more information.....

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Q: What was it like when rubber bands were invented?
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When were the rubber bands invented?

March 7 1923

Rubber bands invented?

On March 17, 1845, Stephen Perry of the rubber manufacturing company Messers Perry and Co, Rubber Co Manuf London patented the fist rubber bands made of vulcanized rubber. Perry invented the rubber band to hold papers or envelopes together.

What did people use before rubber bands were invented?

then rope or nothing

Why were rubber bands invented?

the elastic band was invented to hold envelopes and pieces of paper together.

How did rubber bands get invented?

On March 17, 1845, Stephen Perry of the rubber manufacturing company Messers Perry and Co, Rubber Co Manuf London patented the fist rubber bands made of vulcanized rubber. Perry invented the rubber band to hold papers or envelopes together. try using google once in a while.

why do we like rubber bands?

because they are fun

Are rubber bands made out of rubber?

Yes, rubber bands are made out of rubber.(:

Was it good that rubber bands were invented?

Yes, Rubber bends are very useful. (Holding papers together, fixing things, organizing) But they are also used dangerously like shooting them at peopls faces.

What are all the silly bands?

rubber bands that are shaped like shapes and animals etc.

Where can you get lots of free rubber bands in the US?

There is no way you can get free rubber bands but at amazon they are selling rubber bands for 10.99$

What does a rubber band grenade look like?

probably a bunch of rubber bands strapped together

Manual needs rubber bands for the newspapers. he delivers 17 newspapers each day. a box of rubber bands last him 9 days.How many rubber bands are in a box?

There are 153 rubber bands in a box (17 newspapers x 9 days = 153 rubber bands).