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6mo ago

The latest group of vertebrates to arise is the class Mammalia, which includes mammals such as humans, dogs, and whales. Mammals evolved from a group of reptiles called synapsids and first appeared around 220 million years ago. They are characterized by features such as fur or hair, mammary glands for lactation, and the ability to regulate their body temperature.

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we are vertabrates because we have a back bone and internal skeleton

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Yes. Fish are vertabrates.

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How can you tell that a lizard has a backbone?

Lizards and all other reptiles are vertabrates. Vertabrates are animals that have backbones.

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Pelicans are vertabrates because they have backbones. All animals that have backbones are vertabrates.

Do the peguins have genders?

Yes, female and male penguins. All vertabrates have genders, and birds are vertabrates.