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Q: What was life in Germany like for Jewish in world war 2?
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What was life like for German children in Nazi Germany?

happy, telling jewish kids their going to die

What was life like between world war 1 and world war 2 in Germany?

germany was steamed after their defeat in world war one. the economy fell because they spent all of their money on the war. germany needed a strong leader, and adolf hitler was the leader germany needed. before he came along, germany had a weak economy and high poverty. hitler created a strong military and an industry. for the jews, life was terrible with no rights, citizenship, or the right to marry a german non-jew. for non-jewish germans, life was ok if you had a job in the industry.

What were the years before the Holocaust like for the non-Jewish citizens in Germany?

They became jewish

Which cities did the kindertransport children come from?

many people were jewish and they came from Germany to United kingdom but there were alots of people went to other country such as:poland and etc. it start in world war two when hitler were in germany and he does't like jewish people and he don't want them to live in germany.

In the first interview Julie Sarne's Oma discusses what life was like in Germany for Jewish people. In the third interview Hedy Gaetano discusses what life was like in Germany for people who weren't J?

In the first interview, Julie Sarne's Oma discusses what life was like in Germany for Jewish people. In the third interview, Hedy Gaetano discusses what life was like in Germany for people who weren't Jewish.

What was life like for Jewish girls in the 1940s?

a daily life of a jewish girl in poland 1942

Why was Germany fertile soil for the Nazis following world war 1?

Germany was in a state of depression much like the united states in the 1930's, but the Jewish communities seemed to be doing better then everyone else in Germany so the nazi's found someone to blame the depression on which started to casue the hate of the Jewish people.

Who fought the battle in World War 2?

It was England against Germany. But many other countries were involved like how America helped England. Japan And Italy helped Germany. It was Nazis against Jewish People.

What was life like in East Germany?


What was Jewish life like in the holocaust?

Dismal, hopeless and short.

What is life like for a Jewish teenager?

There is no typical answer for this. Jewish teen life encompasses a huge number of variables, depending on where they live and their level of religious observance.

What is daily life like for someone in Germany?

just like yours