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Q: What was life like in sparta before the peloponnesian war?
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Where was the Peloponnesian War located?

At the risk of sounding like a smart aleck, it was fought in Peloponnese. The Peloponnesia War was principally between Athens and Sparta. Sparta is located in Peloponnesian Greece, which is the large southern peninsula of Greece. Additionally, battles took place at Athens, along Grecian coasts, and among territory held by both the Athenian and Spartan empires.

What was the daily life like in Sparta?

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What was daily life in Sparta like?

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What was daily life like in ancient Sparta?


Did Sparta believe in having a strong navy?

When Athens used its navy to good effect during the 27-year Peloponnesian War, Sparta realised that it had to get the Peloponnesian league an equally strong nave to succeed. They took money from Persia to build a fleet which finally destroyed the Athenian navy and led to Athens' surrender.

What was family life like in Sparta?

sparta life was very hard. when a baby is born, it is tested by the greek soldiers to test its strength. if it is strong enough it is taken to boys dormiteries to train

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What events lead Sparta to declare war on Athens in the Peloponnesian War?

There was one Peloponnesian War. It was finally sparked by Athens' refusal to lift a ruinous trade ban on Megara.

Why did greek settlements often fight one another?

If you are talking about Cities States and the Peloponnesian War is mainly because half of the states were in ally with Sparta and the other half were allies with Athens, plus some other neutral states. Sparta and Athens were the two dominant states back then, so when Athens started to gain more and more power, Sparta didn't like that. The possible reason why Sparta and Athens were in dispute all the time might be the governmental system, Sparta had an oligarchic system, and Athens a democratic system. Was like nowadays political parties.

How did life in Sparta keep the city-state from achieving the kinds of things Athens achieved?

Because it felt like it

The Bomb What was the Japanese attitude towards surrenduring?

Like ancient Sparta before it, surrender was not an option. It was considered a disgrace.

What were woman's lives like in Athens and Sparta?

In Athens they were kept in purdah in the house rearing children and working in the house and garden. In Sparta, they were free to participate in daily life, play sports etc.