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Q: What was life like in the south before the war for the wealthy slave owners Gone with the wind?
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People who controlled the south's economy?

They were called Planters He/Nor She You're Right Planters

How many slave- owners lived in the south?

about 90%-95% were slave owners living in the south

Did slave owners pay slaves?

North Slave owners did pay their slaves, but south slave owners didn't. See the following link.

What were the percentages of slave owners in America before the civil war started?

According to a census in 1860, 30.8% of the total free population were slave owners. This included both the north and the south combined.

How many slave owners had slaves?

In the South, it was estimated that 350,000 slave owners held a significant number of slaves.

Which group controlled most of the life In the south?

Wealthy Plantation Owners.

What colony became wealthy through the slave trade?

Charleston South Carolina had the largest slave market in the United States. So, they became wealthy by selling slaves.

Who needs slave labor?

Slave labor has traditionally been used by more powerful societies to perform tasks their own people don't want to perform. Slavery was common in ancient Rome, for example, and in the US South. Most slave owners were wealthy people who needed the slaves for manual labor such as working in the field or in a mine.

Where did Slave owners in the South acquire slaves from?

Ships from Europe would buy slaves from other slave owners in Africa (YES there were slave owners in Africa!) and then transport them into docks in southern states bordering the Atlantic. There owners from the States could buy or trade them.

Did a small number of wealthy plantation owners control politics?

Small plantation owners, which was the secOnd highest social class in the south, controlled politics in the south.

What describes slavery in the South before the US Civil War?

A large majority of people did not own slaves. Most slave owners had few slaves.

South in the beginning of the Civil War?

Simply an agricultural region of the US; with wealthy land owners (primarily tobacco/cotton plantation owners).