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Q: What was made on the 7 days on the christian creation story?
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What are the Christian scientists views on earth's creation?

christian scientists views on creation are that god made everything in 7 days and rested on the last day.

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How the world began according to the story of creation in Genisis?

the story of genisis , is a part of the bible that talks about the creation of our world , "GOD" apparently made the world in 7 days the 7th day he rested :)

What is the creation story for any religon?

For example, in Christianity, the creation story is outlined in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. It describes how God created the world in six days, culminating in the creation of humans, Adam and Eve, who were made in God's image and given dominion over the Earth.

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How would a Christian's belief in the creation story affect their actions?

Answer: A christian belief in creation could have a number of affects on action.1. Accountability -understanding that we are accountable to the creator for our actions.2. Respect for Life- both our own and others, including the whole creation, since everything has been created by God, we respect creation because it is His handiwork.3. The environment- responsible environmentalism, since God has made humankind to be in a position of 'dominion' over the creation, where we look after, as well as use the creation for our needs.4. Meaning- as people made 'in the image of God' we are made for relationship with Himself and with each other. Life has purpose and meaning since we are not merely blobs of matter on a speck of a planet in a vast universe. We are His special creation.

What is the Most told Greek myth?

Well the answer to that is the Odyessy or the Trojain Wars.or Panadora's boxanother story is the story of how the earth was made(the Creation Story)!

What can you learn from the story the creation?

Everything God made was good and that we should rejoice and be glad in it.

Where can you find Jesus in the story of creation?

Jesus isn't in the story of creation as he only comes into the bible in the new testament.This is because when the earth was created, acording to the bible, God hadn't yet sent down his son to save us. the story of creation is actually more metaphorical than it is shows how powerful God is and who knows, maybe the earth was created in seven days because who know how long days are for God?Seven days to us, could be seven million years to God.Answer:You can find Jesus in the story of creation in the gospel of John. The first chapter of John reveals that Jesus Christ was both the "spokesman" (LOGOS, WORD) of God and the creating Agent who did the creating. It starts out: "In the beginning..." (Gen.1:1).There can't be two beginnings. And, of the WORD, who is Jesus Christ, John was inspired to write:"...ALL THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM; AND WITHOUT HIM WAS NOT ANY THING MADE THAT WAS MADE..." (verse 3).And: "... He was in the world, and THE WORLD WAS MADE BY HIM, and the world knew Him not." (verse 10)

Where are planets made?

depends on your belief i for one am Christian, thus i believe in Creation, but there is also the big bang theory.

Are creation story's the same as creation myths?

Creation stories are generally more neutral terms used to describe narratives that explain the origins of the world or universe, while creation myths may carry connotations of being considered fictional or untrue by some. Therefore, not all creation stories are seen as myths, but all creation myths are necessarily stories that describe creation in a specific cultural or religious context.

Holy sabath meaning?

In the Jewish faith (and some christian denominations) the holy sabbath is the day that God completed the universe and rested. In the Jewish Torah and the Christian old testament, the creation story says that God made that day holy and that no one should work on that day and they should instead worship their creator.