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Q: What was major cause of Nyangire rebellion?
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What was major cause of Shay's rebellion?

Taxes required of poor farmers

What was the major cause of shayss rebellion?

Taxes required of poor farmers

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The Taiping Rebellion targeted the Qing dynasty, while the Boxer Rebellion supported it.

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i think the main cause of sam sharp rebellion in 1831 is when theslaves get freedom

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The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising of a Chinese society that had the support of the Chinese government in 1900. The Chinese had being taken advantage of by imperialist nations for decades. An international force of imperialist nations suppressed the rebellion. To add insult to injury the European, Japanese & American powers demanded damages for the cost of suppressing the rebellion.

What was the major cause of Shay's rebellion?

Taxes required of poor farmers -APEX

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Shays's rebellion is significant because he started a rebellion at the wrong time and this could have cause a collapse in government

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because old major had died

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Because the rebellion failed.

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The Stono Rebellion in 1791 was a slave revolt. The cause was basically that the slaves wanted to be free.

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