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The Taiping Rebellion targeted the Qing dynasty, while the Boxer Rebellion supported it.

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Causes and effects of taiping rebellion?

There were religious, nationalist, social, and economic causes of the Taiping Rebellion. Taiping viewed Confusionists as devils. Ninety percent of the population of China was Han and angry with minority rule. Corrupt officials and a weak army added to the cause of the rebellion. Some of the effects of the Taiping Rebellion was a death toll of over 30 million, drained the government of money and left China vulnerable.

Did the leader of the Taiping rebellion saw himself creating a new peaceful kingdom for his father the Christian God?

no well as for me i am a jehovahs witness lol

How many wars has china won?

China has fought many wars, but probably less than most European powers. Although China is thousands of years old, and a former empire, it focused more on unifying its peoples and protecting them against foreign threats, like Mongolian tribes. China did conquer foreign territory Like Vietnam and Korea, but it was mostly happy having control of China, which was one of the largest and most advanced societies for thousands of years, until Europe became dominant from the 17th century on. They did however make surrounding nations pay tribute to China. Wikipedia 'List of tributaries of Imperial China' if you'd like to read more on this.

Why was zheng he important?

Zheng He is known as the Great Eunuch Admiral. He was sent to serve as China's envoy to the lands in the Indian Ocean Basin. He was also the commander of the emperor's Treasure Fleet. He commanded a total of seven voyages of the fleet in the course of his career. These were the loftiest achievements of any eunuch in the country's history.

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What was taiping rebellion?

Taiping Rebellion Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty.The Taiping rebellion which lasted from 1850 to 1864 was probably the most devasting PEASANT REVOLT in history

What was the TaiPing Rebellion?

Taiping Rebellion Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty.The Taiping rebellion which lasted from 1850 to 1864 was probably the most devasting PEASANT REVOLT in history

What Taiping rebellion?

Taiping Rebellion Rebellion against the Qing Dynasty.The Taiping rebellion which lasted from 1850 to 1864 was probably the most devasting PEASANT REVOLT in history

the taiping rebellion and boxer rebellion had which of the following common?

Each made it difficult for the Qing dynasty to resist European economic interference.

Which of these events was a widespread peasant uprising that lasted 14 years Taiping Rebellion Boxer Rebellion or Chinese Civil War?

Taiping Rebellion

What ended the Taiping Rebellion?

The fall of the city of Shanghai ended the Taiping Rebellion. This event happened in August of 1860.

The taiping rebellion was based on?

Christian teachings

The taiping rebellion was led by a Buddhist cult?


Both the Taiping Rebellion and the Boxer Rebellion attempted to rid China of?

foreign domination

What are the most important events that happened in China?

taiping rebellion

Government corruption and famine in China led to?

Taiping Rebellion

Causes and effects of taiping rebellion?

There were religious, nationalist, social, and economic causes of the Taiping Rebellion. Taiping viewed Confusionists as devils. Ninety percent of the population of China was Han and angry with minority rule. Corrupt officials and a weak army added to the cause of the rebellion. Some of the effects of the Taiping Rebellion was a death toll of over 30 million, drained the government of money and left China vulnerable.