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Q: What was meant by Taxtation without representation?
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Taxtation without Representation

What doe taxtation without representation mean?

It means that a government taxes a group of people without their representation in their government. The slogan "no taxation without representation" was coined when Britain taxed the American colonies but there was no American representation in British Parliament.

What was seen in the colonial battle of no taxation without representation?

To colonist it meant that they would not pay taxes without some one representing them.

Why were the colonists so afraid of being taxed without?

The colonists did not want to be taxed without representation because it meant they had absolutely no say in government. It meant that they were under complete control of the monarchy in England.

What did the American colonist mean when they demanded no taxation without representation?

it meant the colonist would not pay taxes without voting for the goverment/parilament

What did virtual representation mean for the colonies?

Virtual representation was a scapegoat to let Parliament tax the colonies even though the colonies couldn't elect members for Parliament. It meant Britain could tax the colonies without colonial representation.

What are some slogans for the stamp act?

i'm pretty sure it was "No Taxation Without Representation."

Which was the common slogan used by colonists to express anger towards the British taxes?

"No Taxation Without Representation!" was the phrase.

Who is the Massachusetts lawyer who said Taxation without representation is tyranny?

James Otis Jr. (1725-1783) is the lawyer who argued that "taxation without representation is tyranny" during a Boston town meeting in 1765 protesting the Sugar Act (1764).

What was the meaning of taxation without representation?

Getting taxed without your representation.

Who said No taxation without representation what does this quote mean?

I cannot recall who said it, but it meant that the American colonists would not submit to English taxes without an official government representative.

What are some slogans that the colonists of Britain use against king george 111?

one was ''no taxtation with out representation'' the king taxed the colonists with out caring about what the colonists had to say about it. the colonists thought it was unfair so they boycotted the goods that the the king taxed them on.