

What was mendeleev's dream?

Updated: 5/21/2024
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11y ago

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The story goes.... In the search for the relationship between the known elements, Dmetri Mendeleev's devised a card game made of elements; sort of like 'elemental solitaire'. In this game, each card had one element written on it with its atomic weight. He spent 2 sleepless days attempting to find a relationship by grouping the cards together on the table. On the third day there was a snow storm and Mendeleev's decided to stay home. Although restless he eventually fell asleep in which he dreamed a scientific breakthrough. In this dream he saw the elements arranged in a table and they were grouped together by various properties. When he awoke, he attempted to group the known elements in this manner and noticed that in order for this arrangement to work, he needed to leave spaces or gaps for other elements. Therefore, he also discovered that there were many other elements needed to be discovered.

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3w ago

Mendeleev's dream was to organize the elements in a systematic way based on their properties to create the Periodic Table. He wanted to demonstrate the relationship between the elements and predict the properties of undiscovered elements. Mendeleev's work laid the foundation for the modern understanding of the chemical elements and their organization.

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How many elements did Mendeleevs original periodic table have?

In 1863 56 known elements were discovered. Mendeleev's first attempt*) resulted in 9 elements in three rows (periods) and three groups (-1, +1, +2 valence groups):Cl - K - CaBr -Rb -SrI - Cs - Ba*) cit. from wikipedia :"I saw in a dream a table where all elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper, only in one place did a correction later seem necessary."- - - - Mendeleev 1869, as quoted by Inostrantzev.

What makes up the halogen triad?

This refers to an old "history of science " topic around the work done prior to mendeleevs on Periodic Table. Elements were put in triads with similar properties. The halogen triad was chlorine, bromine and iodine. Pretty useless idea long term but a good start for people who came later.

Mendeleevs periodic table of elements was created in 1901?

Actually, Dmitri Mendeleev formulated the periodic law and published his periodic table of elements in 1869. This table arranged elements by increasing atomic mass and grouped them based on similar properties, predicting the properties of missing elements. It was a significant contribution to the field of chemistry.

How did chemist change mendeleevs perioic table in the early 1900s?

Chemists in the early 1900s made changes to Mendeleev's periodic table by rearranging elements based on their atomic number instead of atomic mass, leading to the development of the modern periodic table. This change accurately emphasized the relationship between an element's properties and its atomic number, rather than its atomic mass, and helped to better organize the elements.

Why did scientists try to improve Mendeleevs table?

Scientists tried to improve Mendeleev's periodic table to account for the discovery of new elements, better organize elements based on their properties, and to address inconsistencies in the original table. This led to the development of the modern periodic table with elements arranged in increasing atomic number and grouped based on similarities in chemical properties.

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What was the problem with mendeleevs arrangement?

He pooped quite a bit

How was mendeleevs periodic table like todays periodic table?

it has elements

Did Mendeleevs group his elements with those of similar properties?

Yes, this affirmation is true.

What value was there in predicting the properties for gaps in Mendeleevs table?

DiscoVery of new elements

What was the problem with Mendeleevs table?

He left too many spaces between the elements......

What changes were made to the periodic table after Dmitri mendeleevs discovery?

they changed the 3 new Elements.

Mendeleevs periodic table was useful because it enabled scientists to predict properties of unknown?


Which kind of properties fell into families or groups in Mendeleevs system of elements?

Non-metals and Metalloids

Which matches Mendeleevs prediction for the properties of eka-aluminum?

It would be a soft metal with a low melting point.

Was Mendeleevs table a completely regular grid?

not if u mean completely filled in but square by square yes

Why the improvement in Mendeleevs periodic table was made?

To understand the concept of Periodic Table

Was go fish a popular card game in Mendeleevs time?

it was kinda popular adn also kinda not but i liked it alot