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Q: What was not related to the field of time and motion studies?
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Process dynamics control?

the name itself suggest that dynamics means motion or flow the variables which are responsible for motion includes like temperature ,pressure ,viscosity ,flowrate etc., these variables are at any time with in our control that means to bring the system to stable positions can be achieved by monitoring the parameters which effects the system that in term causes the system to move away from the set point condition there plays a vital role of process dynamics control.

What industrial inventions were made between 1750-1900?

In the field of chemistry and engineering, the time between 1750 and 1900 was an exciting one. Those years saw the invention of the battery, miner's lamp, many interchangeable parts, and the electric light.

What are micromotion study and memomotion study?

Micromotion Study Micromotion study, which was originated by Frank B. Gilbreth, is one of the most exacting forms of work analysis available for job improvement. It is an analysis technique making use of motion pictures (or videotape) taken at a constant and known speed. The film becomes a permanent record of both the method being used and the time consumed in doing the work. Although micromotion study formerly made use of motion pictures, very few companies today are using them. As indicated earlier, videotape equipment has been developed so extensively that it has virtually supplanted the use of the motion picture camera. Further it is so cheap and easy to use that it makes the older approach archaic. Micromotion study provides a valuable technique for making minute analyses of those operations that are short in cycle, contain rapid movements, and involve high production over a long period of time. Thus it is very useful in analyzing operations such as the sewing of garments, assembly of small parts and similar activities.

What is the role of Technological and Institutional reforms in agriculture?

Technology has taken human from land to sky. Today almost in every field we can see its impact. It is not different with agriculture. New technological machines can do the same work in an hour which will be difficult for man farmers to do in almost a day. Earlier sickle was used for harvesting but now we have developed harvesters. It certainly helps our production to increase many folds in a small period of time.

Formula for normal time in industrial engineering?

normal time is calculated by... average cycle time x (% rating factor/100)

Related questions

What are the release dates for Time and Motion Studies - 1976?

Time and Motion Studies - 1976 was released on: USA: 1976

What is the purpose of time and motion studies?

Time and motion studies address the issues of industrial production and efficiency, since they attempt to measure time on task, product quality, and worker safety

What is micromotion?

Micromotion is a type of periodic motion that occurs for short periods of time. When used in studies, it involves using some kind of timing gadgets or motion-videos to analyze certain happening, usually related to work.

Who is the Father of scientific management?

Frederick Taylor and his time and motion studies

What are the disadvantages of time and motion studies?

Some disadvantages of time and motion studies include potential resistance from employees who may feel monitored or pressured, the possibility of inaccurate results if not conducted properly, and the focus on efficiency over quality or creativity. Additionally, time and motion studies may not account for variations in tasks or individual work styles.

What is motion related to?

Motion is related to the change in position of an object with respect to time. It involves an object moving from one point to another, typically described in terms of displacement, velocity, and acceleration. Motion can be linear, rotational, or a combination of both.

What are disadvantages of time and motion studies?

Some disadvantages of time and motion studies include: potential resistance from employees due to feeling scrutinized or micromanaged, the focus on efficiency may overlook quality or creativity, and the data collected may not always be applicable to every situation as human behavior can be unpredictable.

What are the three measurements related to the study motion?

distance, speed, and time


This property can be observed without destroying the original substance.

Does every periodic motion have a frequency?

Yes, every periodic motion has a frequency, which represents the number of complete cycles or oscillations that occur in a given unit of time. The frequency is a fundamental property of periodic motion and is related to the time it takes for the motion to repeat itself.

What is Swing equation?

Equation describing the relative motion of rotor with respect to stator field as a function of time.

What are the three measurements related to the study pf motion?

The three measurements related to the study of motion are distance, time, and speed. Distance is the length between two points, time is the duration of an event, and speed is the rate at which an object covers a certain distance in a specific amount of time.