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they worked few hours each day

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Q: What was not true about Chinese immigrants?
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Is it true that the Chinese immigrants were banned from working on the railroads?

Yes it is

Who were the laborers who built the railroads?

Chinese immigrants

Famous Chinese immigrants?

Chinese immigrants are known as "hua qiao"

How was life difficult for the Chinese immigrants?

Chinese immigrants faced discrimination, racism, and restrictive laws in the countries they migrated to. They were often subjected to low wages, poor working conditions, and limited job opportunities. They also faced language barriers and cultural isolation, making it challenging to integrate into society.

Did Chinese immigrants have Visas?


Where did many Chinese immigrants settle?

Most Chinese immigrants settled in the western cities. Most of them were in California.

Did Chinese immigrants do the heavy work of construction?

chinese immigrants to the united states often did the heavy work of construction

Did Chinese immigrants bring Chinese food to America?

Yes, they did.

How did the supreme court rule in cases affecting the rights of Chinese immigrants?

The supreme court ruled in cases affecting the rights of Chinese immigrants in a fair manner. In its ruling, the supreme court that the number of Chinese immigrants coming into the country should be limited. However, any Chinese immigrants who were in the country would have security of tenure in their jobs.

Who created Chinatown?

Chinese immigrants

What did Chinese immigrants wear?


What did the Chinese exclusion of 1882 do?

They passed it so that Chinese immigrants were not allowed to enter the United States. Also the Chinese immigrants that were already there were declared aliens.It prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the country.